Simon and Garfunkel were weary and felt small. However, they were taking a bridge over troubled water.
Isn't this just the latest in a long lost of sweets being re-named? Starbursts replaced Opal Fruits so as not to offend Opals, Marathons were renamed Snickers to spare marathon runners' feelings.
Question Time last night got a bit surreal when a furious man in the audience went on a big rant about this very subject and the panel had to 'debate' it.
I thought they were just idle beggars who kept laying themselves down, and thus would themselves seem vertically challenged
I always still ask for opal fruits or a marathon. I either get 'what'? or a high five, depending on how old the person in the shop is
‘Mini Gems’ haha how funny. Bit of Snickers trivia too: Snickers was created by Mars in the US in 1930 and was always Snickers there so technically Snickers is it’s ‘real’ name. When they were brought over to the UK they were named Marathon in an attempt to market them a healthy product. There’s also a rumour that Mars UK wanted a different name because they were worried Snickers sounded too much like knickers.