Seen 'money back' mentioned a few times but think that's naive. I think they'll want to make a significant profit on their investment rather than walking away with what they started with four years ago. If we do go down, as looks likely, they'll have a huge PR job on their hands to limit the damage on season tickets. But I really don't buy in to the theory that we're in this precarious situation, and could easily have a Summer of positivity. I believe we're a better company commercially than we were previously, and whilst Khaled's 'performance' will have mixed reviews, I actually think there's a very intelligent and competent CEO there who could see us improve off the pitch. The ever important piece of the jigsaw is recruitment and management though. Nothing else matters without that. Stability and club management at all levels is key, but Poya needs to show something over these next 20 games that gives us belief we could come back. It's tough in League One but far from being out of reach.
Do we think we will ever hear from Conway? Is that something the Supporters Trust can push for?? Because to be honest I'm not interested in hearing anything more from this CEO, a monthly update would be just pointless in my opinion as he answers nothing with any clarity. Have we ever had a CEO and Head Coach so uninspiring with their communications?
It nearly unlocked £140 million though. Isn't that the 'speculate to accumulate' vision many supporters are campaigning for?
What the CEO and the board don't seem to realise is that for their model / plan is to work on field as well as in the bank balance they have to acknowledge that if a player leaves and there isn't a ready to go replacement already at the club they have to try and get one even if that means stepping outside the model, because if they don't the club will not progress like that say they want it too. You can't keep waiting for 12 to 18 months for a player to be ready without filling the gap. Part of the reason we've been so poor this season is Mowatt just hasn't been replaced you can't rely on young players being able to step up straight away because often they just don't and you have to have a plan b. It's alright for the CEO to say that's not our model but when the model being implemented to the letter leads to a season like we're having you either need a new model or at least be prepared to tweak it.
Have you watched the interview? Very last question was a request for Paul Conway to do something similar in February, either online with us or in person as a Fans' Forum.
Jesus wept what a depressing sad listen all of that was. Hats off to gally and loko for all your effort and hard work and trying to get straight answers but my god what a pathetic and at times rank bad amateur responses we got from our so called CEO. this cements what sadly we already know and actually after listening to a bloke who is so far out of his depth as a CEO he needs arm bands. The state we are in and how we are being ran into the ground has got to a whole new level of seriousness for me. It was disrespectful to give politicians answers and not give straight bat common sense honest replies whether these were good or bad news to the fans at least we know what we are playing with here. my take in a nutshell is he is a puppet yes man as a CEO and he is out of his depth. Conway and the locusts pull the string in his back and he tells us fans what they want him to tell us. He is like sooty and sweep sat on the owners hands. bypass the monkey and go to the organ grinder Conway and co are the only people we need to be having a q and a with this CEO is playing the fans for fools. In any normal business those responses would not be acceptable. He is dodging straight answers. Any fans sat on the fence wake up. the club is dying and being ran into the ground by a set of owners who do not give a dam whst league we are in as long as we turn profits. The only thing as fans we can do is not put another penny into oakwell. That’s is the only time these owners will listen to us otherwise the sh*t show and planned demise of the club will continue. No more food or drink merchandise season tickets etc etc do not give these people a single dime more. Attend away games only next season and cancel your season tickets kill them in the pocket is the only way to drive them out. we are not a football club to them just a trading platform to make them money. Thank you Mr CEO for confirming even further what you and your paymasters motives really are. absolutely disgusted in him and the owners #CONWAYOUT #NOTAPENNYMORE
Probably true on the profit, if we do have a positive summer and do well next season football fans are fickle the groups will calm down i imagine to some extent. I just think it will be hard to shift season tickets on the back of suvh a poor season on and off the field so far. Did he say poyas position would be renewed after this season ends?
It did. But you can’t know that in advance, and with so many reserves used up, with covid restrictions a constant risk to revenues and with a depressed transfer market at championship level, I’d suggest anything speculative, without the owners subsidising it and then writing it off, is negligence and imperils us.
@Marc I think that is the key point that often gets overlooked. They own the club if someone wants to take over it will take money. They did quite well when the previous owner of Nice wanted to oust them. Fortunately they had the backing of Jim Ratcliffe and Ineos to stump up 100m euros. On a pure valuation basis the value of BFC is difficult to make. In most years it loses money, the assets, intangible, are rapidly depreciating and there are minimal fixed assets. If this were any other 134 year old business with no profit and minimal assets the value would be close to zero. But football clubs are different and it will all depend on what Paul Conway et al want to hold on for.
I didn't see a question come in asking if Poya had a release clause. Remember seeing it on here and thinking myself I want to ask that one. We'll definitely sell less season tickets next season, but then again we always do. How many less than normal after relegation? If it's 1,500 then it's a hole in the budget but it's not catastrophic, just tricky. Especially when some of those might evolve in to on the day purchases if we were to do well.
Thinking like this we probably should have sold mowatt in January? But i seem to remember when we sold conor and winnall you were one of the ones pissed off because we didnt try keep them and go for the play offs cant have it both ways.
So, I'm currently 45 mins in, may take 2 or 3 shifts at this but......not sure this has been answered......who's sat next to Khaled? Also if a resident pedant could fact check his claim that Ajax competed in the CL with an average age of 18? I recall 22, but that does sound like a bit of a made up fact.....apologies if I'm wrong. Right, back in........
I agree to an extend. I was being a bit tongue in cheek based on what demands are made from so many supporters about spending money and taking a chance.
Andrew Clark. Head of Marketing. Think you might be right on Ajax. A sprinkling of teenagers but average age was in the 20's from memory.