I dunno. I just wanted to say that buuming club was absolutely amazing, there was loads of buuming going on and it happens every Wednesday night at 7pm in the West Stand Bogs by the gloryhole. Only downside was i got there a bit late and missed the rules being read out.
Several responses on the Facebook group, including from admins that accept the Facebook ID was fake and he's been deleted. I do admire their passion and will cut them some slack to a point but I do think that what has happened here is quite wrong and has undermined their cause. The real Martin is sight impaired and not in a position to defend himself on social media.
He is not a fitter, he owns the company. Won awards for business etc. Its bad enough someone has probably taken his name in vain knowing he doesn't do social media.
We all #standwithmartinnettleton On a slightly serious note, I hope you've told him he's had shed loads of backing on here. Us ripping the pi$$ like this on this thread...it's all a Barnsley form of moral support! Hope he can have a bit of a chuckle at our reactions
I know where I want to get my next windows/doors/glass from anyway - although I think they 'wholesale' rather than direct to customer.