Not sure you would pick those 2 subjects & fire them at me , but I would hope my opinion that I detest both groups is a popular & common belief amongst all decent people .
I think your opening gambit is very harsh, although you concede that you are twisting his words. It could simply mean that things don't seem to affect him as much as others, and that could be for a variety of reasons, which we don't know about and shouldn't judge. As for your quote, I 100% get the sentiment, but I think of my own political leanings and opinions and have come up with my own little ditty (I am not apathetic, but I am certainly fed up of the system and sometimes wonder how much difference my voice - and vote - makes): First I voted Lib Dem and spoke out yet the mass murderer got in Then I voted Labour and spoke out yet the Tories cleaned up and got in Then I voted Corbyn and spoke out yet the Tories cleaned up and got in Then I voted to remain and spoke out yet Brexit cleaned up and the Tories remained Then May left and Johnson got in and I had no say in the matter Then Starmer joined the Labour party and the party changed And there was no one left to speak out for me.
No intention of accusing you of anything and if you thought that was aimed at you personally I am sorry, it wasn't. I was just badly pointing out, whilst there are many areas where we can agree to differ and respect other opinions - for example which football team to support or how that team is run, your views on politics etc. There are a few areas where things are just wrong and you cannot respect that position and I was giving a couple of examples
A little simplistic of a very complex situation. Obviously with hindsight he should have done more. He did originally refuse to make Hitler chancellor.
I think at the end of the day we all have opinions on a variety of things from favourite veg, to favourite colours to politics etc etc... but I tend to agree with Farnham as a rule - if we just have our opinions to the point where we let everything wash over us then we are in danger of being washed away. Sometimes I think one has to act on one's opinions if there is something 'important'. Some things are surely important? So, I agree with duntpass to a point but I think sometimes there's a responsibility to oneself if opinions are held. I'm rambling I think...
I think it's important to communicate your opinions if it's contributing to a meaningful, open discussion and done in a balanced and thoughtful way. I take your point on the dangers of holding things in when they mean so much to you, because that can be very damaging to someone's personal mental health (feeling like you are never heard / your point of view isn't valid / like you don't have a voice etc.). One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet (I don't think) are those people that stay silent but you can see their brains ticking away; usually when they appear to disagree with something they won't vocalise it but they have a hint of a wry smile in the corner of their mouths, and you know they are most likely going to bring it up later and bitch about you. I know someone who is like this consistently, I believe she wants to come across as 'liberal and diplomatic', but I like to think i've got a good measure of people and I see through it; I believe she is a bit of a snake and, unlike a particular poster on here, I don't use that term often Those silent types, especially when they are so vocal on Twitter etc, are just as dangerous as the loud, opinionated folks who refuse to listen or budge on their views. Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.
The problem with that is that far too many people do make decisions that are best for THEM rather than what is best for everybody. The world is drowning thanks to bigotry and I'm alright jackery.
I'm confused. You say you don't have an opinion and that nothing bothers you because you don't care yet if anyone dares criticise our owners you jump on them and attack them for it. You tell them they're wrong. Isn't that having an opinion? Isn't that letting what someone else says and does bother you? Is it accurate that you don't let things bother you and don't have strong opinions on things? Or is it more accurate that you are submissive to authority figures and would rather argue with people you see as equal or lesser to you than dare to criticise someone you see as higher?
I thought he must have meant me but seeing as nothing he has said in his post relates to anything in my OP i wasnt sure. I can assure mr supertyke that if the owners do anything i believe to jeopardise my club that there wont be many in front of me letting them know. Ill turn round and give supertyke a wave ay the back of the crowd grumbling and mumbling to himself.
That's one way of interpreting my post. Another would be that "my life and wellbeing isnt taken over" by me having an opinion and acting on that opinion by doing what I believe to be right. I don't claim to be a better person, but I feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin when I behave in a way influenced by what I feel to be right and what I believe will be the benefit to the majority. I don't know that I could ever shrug my shoulders and not make a stand against ideas/policies/behaviour that hurt other people. Obviously, I can't take on the world, but my life and well being is enriched by attempting to educate myself and highlighting when I believe things aren't right. It will be a sad day, for myself, when I stop.
I agree with you 100%, my opinion principles are that i want to keep going to support Barnsley FC with my sons and feel that the current owners have made significant mistakes but not severe enough to warrant stopping going, when if they do I will be there letting them know how i feel. I also believe our best chance of staying up this year or getting back out of league 1 is supporting our young players from the stands. It will be a sad day when i cant do that.
Then you do have an opinion and act on it. That it differs to mine (not all that much to be honest) is of no relevance. But your claim in the OP isn't true, you have a very valid opinion based on issues close to your heart.
you criticise others for having an opinion and for caring. You can't say you don't care when them having a different opinion to you upsets you so much that you hit out so regularly and criticise those who feel negatively about those you deem superior. It might seem patronising to you but why would you care? It doesn't bother you right? Ps I absolutely respect your right to an opinion whether I agree with it or not. I'm no better than you because mine differs from yours. I just think it's a bit rich claiming not to care or have opinions after you've spent so much time giving your opinion