My only request is please don't try to cover up tonight's performance by describing it as a depleted squad or anything that excuses the performance. Every player in that starting 11 is a firs teamer
People be having a go at Beth next for providing service with a smile. How DARE she smile at fans at a time like this?
Of all the things to have a go a within the club, the media team certainly ain’t one of them, they paid by the club to do a job, they’re in a no win situation, Reads to me like the media team have finally run out of patience now.
Cheers whitey told the truth in his report whilst having to work under limitations and no doubt censorship of what the media crew can say or do......knowing whiteys vocal past and passion you can bet a pound to a penny if he was given carte blanch in his writings about the sh 1t storm we are witnessing both on and off the field not only would it be full of explicits it would be full of home truths and would be uncomfortable reading for some..... I honestly feel sorry for the likes of Beth whitey and Co who deserve better ....and don't deserve any flack what's so ever....
"Both of Liam Kitching and Carlton Morris were missing through injury following knocks picked up at Birmingham at the weekend." Morris picked up Covid from a knock??
Or maybe I hadn’t a clue why he was out, when I typed the report, before Ferran told the journos it was covid.
Genuine question and also might be a stupid question, but what's the feeling around Oakwell at the minute? I hope that you (and all the other people working hard behind the scenes) know that the vast majority of us aren't aiming our anger at you guys.
I wasn't being nasty. It will have just confused people that we saw a knock and covid both mentioned.
Is this what it’s come to? Targeting the media lads and lasses? I hate these lot as much as anyone (owners, not the media team). I really don’t understand what more they can do? They can’t write what we all see and already know as they’ll be warned for it.
It’s hard to explain if I’m honest. In our office, and at games and wherever else we are out and about doing our thing, we just crack on doing everything we always have done. Good banter, always busy, trying to do the right thing. I was at Arthur Bower’s funeral service last week. Former club historian and one of the nicest men you could ever wish to meet. There, his family and the vicar spoke in the main, about Barnsley Football Club. Not his children, not his successes in life. They were mentioned of course. But it was about Barnsley FC. It was everything to him. Upon leaving the church, I got a phone call from Ronnie Glavin. I explained where I’d just been and Ronnie said “please tell his sons Tony and Tim that I passed on my regards.” Last night I spoke with Adam Hammill. An hour ago, Ian Evans messaged me to say “things will get better Andy”. My colleague has just had an hour on the phone with Barry Murphy. Who played more games for this club than last night’s squad has combined. In other words buddy, I love my club, my job and it completely envelopes me. And while ever I remain here, I’ll continue to give it my very best, for the club. Brighter times will return. The sort of brightness that you all yearn for right now, it’s on the way. But it’s a dark tunnel we are not even halfway through yet. I’m going to try and hang on. I hope others are there at the other side waiting. Not sure that answers your question