If not hacked is it possibly an employee with a very vague understanding of our particular business interest with Mr Lee who has seen a post linking him with us and automatically liked it without reading?
I suspect it's summat on them lines. Totally fkin surreal nonetheless, and symptomatic of just how much real world connection they have with Barnsley FC.
Or an idiot owner himself who has a very vague understanding of what Barnsley football club means who has seen a post linking him and automatically liked it?
Sad isn't it. Reminds me a bit of the top footballers who all seem to have a 'team' who manage their social media posts and get paid to collectively come up with variants of "not the result we wanted, fans were class, on to the next one" every other week. But this is affiliated to the actual owner so it's worse.
No chance hes gone full tuna man of swfc and threw Teddy out of the cot by sarcastically liking the tweet.