No, he wouldn’t. Because a significant number of people in this country voted for him and would vote for him again. Because they see something of themselves in Johnson - someone who’s out for themselves, a liar, a racist, an arrogant, ignorant, greedy self-opinionated, loud-mouthed braggart. The alternatives might not be quite to your liking but if you don't take them you’re effectively voting for him as well.
Sorry mate, but you can’t have been watching PMQT of late. He is being challenged by Labour, SNP and the Liberals on the cost of living, utility price hikes, tax & NIC rises, Islamophobia et al. The problem is he doesn’t answer. He just repeats his mantra that he and his acolytes are doing a tremendous job. He is a mendacious charlatan that is totally untrustworthy. What is worse is that his cabinet and many Tory MPs know this and yet still support him. People like Peter Bone and JRM who on Newsnight Monday and Tuesday this week were an embarrassment to decent Tories (what few that are left).
Note to Putin whilst everybody watches you at the border flexing the might of the Russian muscle it the Billy big balls there any chance you could muster a pincer movement whereby you change targets and therefore flattern the Houses of Parliament and Downing Street thus cleaning out the cesspit they've become.....asking for a friend
The thought of Johnson dealing with the Ukraine issue…. Today he talked about how the UK had united European opposition to Putin. Really? Yesterday he said that any Russian invasion would be a ‘lightening war.’ I’m sure that wasn’t lost on the Russians. Johnson’s sole contribution to Ukraine would be to escalate the situation.
"When a clown moves into a palace he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a circus." I wouldn't take PMQs too seriously mate, its not meant to be the forum where the opposition holds the government to account and detailed polices are calmly discussed - its a bit of knock about for the TV. It very probably should be scrapped tbh.
Strange how you don't mention B****t in relation to any of these problems, which is clearly a major factor making things significantly worse than they otherwise would have been. Also it's a complete waste of everyone's time to ask proper questions because he either never answers them or tells outrageous lies.
I'm not sure which is more ridiculous. The restrictions that were imposed or the fact the government ignored them.
Depressing as hell that is. Our political system is so poor its forces me to either vote for a party I don't want to support or essentially vote Tory by not voting agaisnt them.
The biggest catastrophe that lies ahead for this country is Boris Johnson still being the prime minister, I have lost my father and 2 other relations to covid I would say without fear or favor that this idiot of a prime minister as a lot to answer for regarding their deaths and while my father was kicked out of Hospital and sent to a residential home with covid or as some would say" something like a common cold" this ***** and his mates were living it up in 10 downing street It's heartbreaking, and to think some people just don't care, because of what's happening in effin Ukraine then I'm lost for words.
I think if you spoke to all the people who could not attend their loved ones funerals, hold the hand of their dying lifelong partner, see their Mum or Dad in a care home, call off their wedding, etc...You'd see your statement as absolute horse *****. x
Even putting all the personal tragedies to one side for a moment there are 2 points to consider 1 The Prime Minister broke the law and lied about it 2 it’s a known maxim that if people can’t be trusted with little things( if you can count repeatedly breaking the law on Covid as little) how the fwck can you trust them with big things The idea of this circus taking us to war to distract us from Partygate regardless of whether it’s the right thing to do makes my blood run cold
And back on to personal tragedies. I lost my mother at the end of 2020 having only seen her 3 times in the last 9 months of her life and not at all in the last 3 months. We had a funeral with loads of people unable to come, no wake, no hugs from anyone. I know I am one of many with similar stories and that lovely person was having weekly parties. Breaking the rules he had imposed on us. I’m sorry but anyone who pedals the line it’s a trivial matter is totally out of touch with the many of us who suffered loss of loved ones in the various lockdowns
Incorrect mon frere. There are 574 covid patients in ICU across the UK. This number is dropping daily. unless 80% of them passed away yesterday I'd assert that the vast, vast majority of those deaths were dying with covid and not of it.
I'm a bit confused how someone who was so vehemently against lockdowns thinks it's a nothing story that the person who imposed those lockdowns was partying with such regularity during them. I spent my birthday alone, didn't see another person that day because Boris Johnson made it the law that I couldn't. On his he had a party despite it being against the very same law. I know my sacrifice was nothing compared to so many people but we all made those sacrifices whether we agreed with them or not. People missed birthdays, funerals weddings, lost loved ones, had relationships ruined, harmed our kids massively and generally made sacrifices every single day and yet the man who dictated we had to do that was partying the night away and mocking each and every one of us. Personally I think that's a much bigger news story and more important to me than whether the other bellend does or doesn't invade Ukraine who he has already been essentially war with for years anyway.
I'm not really sure what you're saying? There were 439 covid related deaths yesterday. That's the figure.
And yet at the time, when some of us railed and campaigned against those clearly disproportionate, inhumane and cruel rules that saw good people cruelly forced to die alone, when we told you they were wrong and barbaric, the vast majority of people simply did not want to know.
If after 2 years of this you still refuse to acknowledge the difference between "with" and "of", despite it being clearly articulated even by the BBC, then it's pointless discussing anything.