Over 3.2 million people in the UK have tested positive for covid in the last 28 days. Statistically speaking if someone falls down the stairs and dies today there's a 1 in 20 chance that their death will be within 28 days of a positive test.
You can't because we aren't releasing the figures for of only for with. The figures mean absolutely nothing and shouldn't be reported. Every death due to covid is a tragedy but this deliberately false reporting does nobody any good
Like we don't report reinfections or we only report covid deaths within 28 days of a positive test? That kind of false reporting?
I'm saying covid didn't kill all those 439 people. It's likely to have killed very few of them. If you've tested positive for covid in the last 28 days and die it's counted as a covid death. Roughly 100,000 a day have tested positive recently. So in the last 28 days roughly 2.8 million have had covid. Yes, 439 of that number died today, but that is pretty normal in such a big chunk of the population. There are only 575 people in the UK in ICU at the time of typing. Many will survive and many more will be in ICU for a long period. So the people dying where covid is the actual cause of death is a small fraction of the 439 headline figure. Sometimes you need to delve into a statistic, rather than taking it verbatim.
Yes like that. The reporting has been a disgrace all along. Perfectly understandable right at the beginning when it was all hands on deck and nothing was planned but as things have gone in it's been a disgrace and I mean in the way that people who have battled and died later weren't included either and their families know they weren't.
Not sure what Johnson has to do with it as we are discussing stats. Sadly deaths where covid is the main cause aren't reported so it can't be a scientific statement either. For much of the pandemic cases and mortalities were by far the most important stats. However due to the huge number of cases and how mild omicron is, these stats are now deeply flawed. ICU numbers and deaths with covid as the main cause should be what's reported.
There was a figure being used that was something like 6,900 in terms of Covid being the only cause of death. Out of the 150,000. Issue with that is it’s too far in the opposite direction in terms of credible statistics. Obviously a lot of illnesses are sadly enhanced due to catching it, so anyone using that number is being disingenuous right back to the people using the word ‘of’ with the daily data. The reporting has been a shambles from the start and hasn’t been questioned quite nearly enough, as you point out. Remember when it was a positive Covid test, ever, and the 28 days wasn’t even taken in to account? In terms of the OP he did say what ‘has become’ nothing more than the common cold. That’s a pretty accurate reflection when you look at the data and isn’t not appreciating other variants were more harmful.
It's not just about a party. It's about a Government that's not fit for purpose, and this is the thing that has any chance of forcing anyone out. It's not about Covid restrictions, it's about the fact they imposed those restrictions, and thought it didn't apply to them. Or is there a place we draw the line about which of their laws they can take and we just turn a blind eye to it? It's about accountability for those in power, without which, we are just living under a dictatorship. A dictatorship that wouldn't give a toss about the impact that crisis after crisis is having on the majority of people, and are nowhere near competent enough to do anything positive in relation to Russia / Ukraine. It's far more important than just 'a party', and labelling it as just a party is just Tory gaslighting.