Barnsley FC: Challenging Times An update from BFCST to the owners, the players, and supporters ahead of this weekend's game.
Rubbish Loko. Doesn't go far enough and will not make a dammed bit of difference to our current plight
I'm not sure that's the objective here to be honest. Nothing put out today, right now, would change our plight for this season. But as I've just said to someone on the phone, considering Saturday could be the most aggressive atmosphere I've witnessed in my 25+ years of actively following Barnsley, I don't think calling for respect, lawfulness and safety is a bad position to take when you're trying to speak for the majority of supporters.
Fair enough but we've just had a recent forum with Khaled. What communication are you looking for this time around? And why would it be any more "honest"?
Khaled is the CEO. We've asked, and are close to agreeing, something similar with Paul Conway. That's the only way you can be presented with all willing information and then form decisions/actions from there. At the moment, because a lot of issues go back to long before Khaled joined, there's many unanswered questions.
Well meant, no doubt. But hasn't this been said to the owners before? So far as I can see the only language the owners will understand is if supporters withdraw their financial backing of the club.
So basically you want them to blow smoke up our arse and say anything we want to hear, (because that's what they'll do). Paul's so special your trying to bring him out of hiding and give us more B.S .This lot is a failure and a terrible company way out of there depth and will ruin this club, it started the day they turned up. The only thing I want to know is when they're packing there bags. Time to take the blinkers off and ask for an immediate exit, enoughs enough.
Why are people suddenly turning on the Supporters Trust? The amount of time those guys must put into it and you're going to slag them off like that. Don't be a ****.
Not really sure what you'd be expecting them to say? Go too far one way you burn your links to the club's hierarchy and too far the other way you lose the support of the very people you're trying to speak for. It's a tricky balancing act which some people unfortunately see as fence-sitting, which it isn't.
Can’t see how anyone can see this as a negative? Worst case is nothing changes, but all these bits add up to building the pressure on the owners one way or another. Best case is things start to change for the better.
Maybe that question will be asked. You can't ask it, or find that out, if you don't approach them or speak to them. That's your opinion by the way and a completely fair one. But we can't just speak for one section of the supporter base which often leads to comments like 'meh'. But like I said, the objective here is around supporter safety should things turn sour.
I get why people don't think it is enough. The owners have been repeatedly pressed about the 750k for example and just dodged it again and again. I can understand why some people would like it to be more forceful. People have had enough.
This is the thing though. Have they been pressed enough? I don't recall Paul Conway having to go in to details about the £750k, the court case, or the fact he was actively speaking to clubs about moving us from Oakwell. I don't think he's done any interviews since departing as acting CEO. I get that people want more, a lot of us do, but what could the Trust put out today that would be 'enough'? The focus is purely on the 60/70% of supporters going to Oakwell tomorrow who will sympathise and understand any form of anger and frustration being displayed, but won't want it to spill in to anything that puts their safety at risk or is uncomfortable to see. Is that not a fair position to take the day before a game? We're hardly going to go straight to pitchforks and lanterns as that isn't representative of the supporter base yet.
Loko, I'm sorry if the trust is going to take flak nothing personal from me mate and I'm sure from the rest off supporters, but I want to go back to oakwell with my children and family but won't until they have left. Once they've hopefully left without a fight we can start to build bridges and get the club in an upward curve and regain its soul, so any questions to them are irrelevant because we're wasting time and need a fresh start, let's cut off the cancer and start the future ASAP.
I initially thought Conway wouldn't give time. But the more I think about it, I think that was a naive view. He's given views quite a few times. Though I suspect it may be a common view that those views haven't always stood up to the merest of scrutiny, which doesn't seem to phase him. I agree the next step should be a direct meeting with him where the questions that the CEO largely sidestepped are put to him. I doubt anything will change from the answers he chooses to give, and I'd hope (and expect) the points (and follow ups or requests for clarification) are put as forcefully to him as they were the CEO. The question will be what happens next? Because if the answers ring hollow... or worse, then something needs to be done. At that point, it's going to take leadership to organise something. I'd hope plans, or discussions at the very least are being conducted somewhere to canvas wider views beyond the BBS and Facebook page, educate those who aren't aware of whats happened at the club (particular with regard to the monies taken from BFC) and then leverage sentiment to protest at the relevant people.