I think this is important. There isn't 'one view' on the owners at the moment. For all the 'Get them out' comments, that are often repeated, there's as many commenting with a similar sentiment to the above. Just not repeated at every turn. That's why any comms from one central organisation are difficult right now. Our objectives ahead of this weekend were; make fans aware that the noises about a meeting with the owners are positive, continue to push for that meeting and lay out the expectations, sympathise with the players but make support from our side conditional of effort from them, and to validate all supporters and ask that if any form of protest is incoming over the next few games that we respect club staff, players, and supporters and do it in a lawful and safe manner. It's not a groundbreaking update, and wasn't meant to be, but we feel as a Trust Board it's positioned in the right way, for the right now.
Wow - fair point actually. I was only 14/15 then as well. Just started going to games on my own from Wakefield and sat front row of the West Stand, away side, right in front of where Fjortoft made that tackle!
This is where my head is at. This is important. There's a lack of knowledge out there about the real issues at the football club. Some people might know the headline, but they rarely know the detail behind it and why it's an important issue. Which makes the 'Chicken Flatbread' quip in the Chronicle today even more disappointing because you've got another opportunity there to repeat the issues that really matter. Regardless of opinion on what the Trust should, or shouldn't, be saying/doing. If you want the owners out one of the best strategies is to keep driving awareness of supporter unrest. So even if you don't fully agree with the wording of today's update, you've at least got to be in agreement that it continues to drive visibility and amplify the message that things are not well. The royal 'you' by the way.
I'm getting well and truly fed up with this line that nothing can be done that might hurt the club. So, in essence, nothing can be done. I'm not saying we're there yet but if things continue to deteriorate there will be two choices. Hurt the club short term to excise the rot the owners have become...then recover. Or leave them in place to REALLY hurt the club long term. There have been enough examples in recent decades of ownerships running clubs into the ground.
Your a similar age to me i was in the west stand close to the ponty, the fan trying to attack the ref, pitch invasions,i remeber paul ince talking to that young kid who was still on the pitch, ref leaving the field to calm things down and seeing some pretty unsavoury scenes after the game to say the least. Never forget that game.
I remember @tinatyke being on Match of the Day that night. Sadly not because we'd achieved the impossible and done the double over Liverpool.
If we can get to speak to the board directly (Conway is the most likely one), I'd want a few questions asked of him before I decided to start "hurting the club". To me, anything that causes a detrimental affect on the running of the club (in other words, puts the club at risk) is a last resort. For me the questions I want answers to are: The £750k; are the Crynes ok with receiving money via the route it took? Why didn't they use their own wealth to pay the Crynes? Will the 80% be putting that money back into the club, if so, when? Can they assure us that money will not be taken out of the club again? The answers to those questions will determine if I take a more aggressive role in trying to remove the board.
I agree, it may well be a case of having to lead parts of the supporter base to a conclusion that this ownership isn't in the best interests of the football club and outlining the reasons why together with the risks. As for the chicken flatbread thing, I agree with the sentiment but I'd try not to rise to it to be honest. The more its talked about or debated or used as an example of conflict, the more it gains traction and becomes some myth or folklore. So even by trying to talk it down it might breathe life into it. I guess you could maybe have discussions with the main local media outlets to not make anything seem trivial in any coverage they give. I get the sense there is some concern from them. For whatever reason, but both Leon Wobschall and Doug O'Kane have written some no holds barred opinion pieces in the last couple of weeks. My feeling is this thing could escalate very quickly if the transfer window is deemed a failure, the accounts are published and they make extremely grim viewing, results and performances continue to be poor and culminating in Conways interview, he fails to answer questions suitably. A lot of people will likely look around and go... "what next?" It's at that point where you're likely to be the organisation that has to plug that void and be a catalyst for change and organisation. I don't envy you at all, but if needs must, someone has to seize the day.
Sorry Loko. My comment wasn't called for. I'm just so frustrated at the moment. The owners just seem to be getting away with murder and there seems to be damn nothing we can do about it.
I understand mate. I don't think anybody out there, regardless of what they think should happen 'next', wouldn't validate that feeling. You're not alone that's for sure.
Yep, fully agree. We're not at that point yet but if they start to seriously affect the fabric of the club beyond just the league position they need to be made aware of the fact that there will be consequences.
If you think that is what may happen tomorrow then may i suggest you seek immediate medical assistance.
Thankyou for the update, good read that Loko and obviously any demos are within the law etc etc etc However this statement from the fans trust will have about as much impact on Chein Lee, Conway and our 'CEO' as me shaking a wet lettuce at a bull elephant to stop him attacking me, it will not make one iota of difference to them, doubt they will even read it. They do not give a flying f*ck about our supporters or BFC and its community and what we have to say, one thing and nothing else they are here for us profit margins and banking money (our money). The puppet of a CEO demonstrated the disrespect he had for the fans and club in the last Q and A when he could not even honestly answer questions he had on his desk for days, he was embarrassing. Not getting their mits on the land is something that they did not bank on and that has derailed probably their true reason for being here, where there is land there is gold but luckily they cannot get to this. We will see Elvis answer fans questions before Conway does, he won't have the spine to face any fans Q and A in February and if he somehow does it will all be on his terms and the questions will be filtered out politician style. Praying this takeover group is the real deal as this lot need running out of town quick sharp. Clear your throats Saturday, no need for a hymn sheet to learn the words and belt out the below constantly the whole game, do not let the volume drop so these locusts can hear what we think about them. They are killing our club and systematically running it into the ground and simply using us as a profit generating trading platform and sweating the assets. The quicker ALL BFC supporters realise this the better, things will NEVER get better only rapidly worse whilst these locusts are here. Do not spend a penny at BFC and do not renew any season tickets, that's the only thing they will listen to when the tills stop ringing. "WE WANT CHEIN LEE OUT WE WANT CONWAY OUT" (repeat) "WE WANT CHEIN LEE OUT WE WANT CONWAY OUT" (repeat) "WE WANT CHEIN LEE OUT WE WANT CONWAY OUT" (repeat) "WE WANT CHEIN LEE OUT WE WANT CONWAY OUT" (repeat) "WE WANT CHEIN LEE OUT WE WANT CONWAY OUT" (repeat)
Entitled to your thoughts but just to be accurate here I've commented below. In your opinion. But I think it's better than doing nothing and shows intent and building blocks which is exactly the approach to take in my view. Sure you might suggest we should be leading the charge with pitchforks and lanterns but honestly, looking at the whole fan base and not just your own view in isolation, we're not quite there yet. This isn't true. They had an idea on some of the themes that were coming through but it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to work that out in advance anyway. The questions weren't vetted in advance or sat on his desk. I think the unedited video proved this as some of the questions actually took him aback a little. Possibly. But all evidence thus far points to this not being true. We've never had any questions vetted before, or filtered, or edited, and a date was agreed for this but we've had to change it based on availability of all. I've honestly got no reason to believe this won't happen and I don't really think Paul Conway's personality is to shy away from these things. Whether we like what he tells us will be the debate going forward.
You might be right but I don't see it. I'm not expecting too many home or away fans and a whole lot of apathy.
I think if we go 2-0 down early the focus from small sections would move completely away from what's happening on the football pitch. I think many supporters will be happy to join in with some chants, but only a small minority would support it getting ugly or mischievous.
Appropriate, timely and well articulated Ben. I, for one, will continue to put my trust in The Trust as the right way to get something constructive out of this whole sorry mess.