Just thought I would distract for a while from BFC and the fan factions. Maybe open. debate on something more calm. How is Brexit going. Everybody happy with it now, coming up to 6 years since the vote?
For crikey"s sake , things are bad enough on here with the state of our club without dragging old political topics up which have been done to death
Its brilliant, if it wasn't for Covid we'd be the world leader in everything, this time next year we'll all be trillionaires.
If a country has ever dragged itself down into the gutter as this country by self-infliction then let's be knowing it. And by the way, You ant seen anything yet.
It's nothing to with Bregsit. If it wasn't for the: energy crisis. cost of living crisis. petrol crisis Covid. Ukraine. lack of doctors and nurses. lack of lorry drivers. fruit pickers. abattoir workers. Health & Social care levy crisis. Party gate. The country would be the envy of the world's biggest economies. God bless Boris, who is "so brilliant" according to Rees Mogg.
Was I supposed to be for or against, i dont know. Which one will i get the least grief on here for supporting.
Where have all the brexiteers gone? Long time passing. Where have all the brexiteers gone? Long time ago.
I feel liberated and am now looking forward to us re-starting the British Empire. I think we should begin by re-invading India. Then we should kick all those dark-skinned Johnny Foreigners out and move on to jailing all those weird-looking letter box terrorist types.