Half tempted to do a poll asking which is worst - the group of people running Barnsley FC or the group of people running the country. Then I though actually there is no competition our 80%ers look like selfless paragons of integrity and competence compared to the clown show that passes for our government How can a civil servant investigating things the Police have already said they wont investigate be prejudicing their investigation - there wasnt one We must infer that Sue Gray has found evidence of wrongdoing in the house and office of the Prime Minister This wrongdoing happened under the noses of the Met Police who happen to have a chief commissioner Directly appointed by the Home Secretary and who coincidently also have the brother of the the Foreign Secretary in a senior role I am surmising that Ms Gray's report casts either senior ministers and/or the Met in a bad light so now there remain two possibilities There was wrongdoing serious enough to warrant a jury trial in a crown court and the police want time to investigate this properly without tipping off suspects and prejudicing witnesses - there will be arrests made and charges brought in the next few days or at worst weeks or.............. There was wrong doing which reflects very badly on senior ministers and/or the police and this is a device to buy some time, so Sue's redacted report is published which doesn't cause any problem for Coco and his clowns as all damning evidence has been taken out, and after an "extensive" investigation, insufficient evidence is found to justify taking this further and the investigation is concluded without any charges - or possibly a few juniour civil servants will be cautioned and given fixed penalty fines - ideally with the news breaking when something big and distracting is happening like for example war breaking out in the Ukraine I know which of the 2 I expect to happen. You really think if there was nothing to hide the report would be published in full, and if there is wrongdoing, bringing in an outside force to investigate would be the way to show there is no collusion going on between ministers and senior met police Edit : Just seen this from the Secret Barristor which does give more substance to option 1 https://thesecretbarrister.com/2022...o-redact-key-parts-of-her-independent-report/
It's getting to something when the Police are telling the government what they can do and can't do in a case so obvious, everyone in the country knows what went off, O' apart from Rees-Mogg.
The number of normally neutral commentators suggesting today that this is obviously corruption is quite staggering. In any country where fair play and democracy was an actual thing, heads would be rolling both in the Met and at the top of this so-called government.
Or the police have waited until the opportune time to string this out even longer for political purposes . Remember the Cressida dick / sue Gray's of this world all hang out in the same social circles as your Boris Johnsons . Their all friends behind closed doors . Even read a Laura kunesberg this morning laying the groundwork s for his non removal . Mark my words , Boris is going nowhere .......
He's done. You'll have the sycophants pretend otherwise, but even they know the games up. What they will want is for it to happen on their terms though and as seamlessly as possible causing as little damage as possible. I'd imagine after the massacre of the local elections with a leadership contest in the summer. The tories pretend DePfeffel has been churchillian and the best PM ever and then we get whoever follows.
Just read this: "My best friend] died, at the start of lockdown, and I wasn't there because I was following the rules, and we had a tiny insufficient funeral, because we were following the rules, and I drove his kids away from that funeral back to Birmingham without any sort of wake, because we were following the rules, and it felt unnatural and cruel and almost silly, but we did it because we followed the rules. Joe Lycett" And this is the reason why he should go.
Johnson’s learned a lot from the Russians Deny everything. Invent endless interpretations of what happened. Delay Launch enquiries Delay Launch more enquiries Delay Launch enquiries into the people involved in enquiries. Delay, delay, delay After a few years everyone gives up. See: Shoot down of Malaysia Flight 17 and Katyn massacre for the template.
I would say he learnt more from Trump than the Russians by doing what Trump does lie through his arse oil.
Agree and I'm sorry for your experience but I just don't see him going . It's not that I don't think he should go , more that I just think the establishment will rally round him and protect him . The whole cabal is completely corrupted and that goes all way down to the media who drip feed us a daily dose of what they want us to think . Politically this country is finished .
Get ready for more stuff if he doesn’t go. Cummings said he still has more things he will release and I think that probably is the case. His motives are almost certainly **** ones though, of course.
I don't see it being enough to topple him . I'm not seeing anyone else either within the Tory party who could even look to challenge . I'll also add that pretty much every major country in the world is having some sort of political crisis and I don't see their leaders getting knocked off their perch anytime soon so I'm not expecting ours to . Speaking of other countries Canada's and interesting one . Trudeau's just gone into a 5 day isolation for COVID even though he tested negative with all that going on above . Truckers demanding he either ends mandates or resigns . Like I say , it's the same everywhere . These downing street parties are merely our version of a wider discontent brought on by an increasingly out of touch political class .
All this just because Boris had a piece of cake in his back garden. But let's make a mountain out of a molehill instead.
Is it? I thought it was because Boris himself made it the law that we couldn't socialise and had to live in isolation but then routinely and with such alarming regularity held parties and social events in his back garden and even his private apartment. I thought it was because the corrupt piece of **** had his secretary send out 100 party invitations whilst the rest of us sat alone in our houses. Your defence of a man who has ruined so many lives sickens me but I'm hardly surprised considering you also defended Dominic Cummings and voted Tory.
No body gives a funk. Good look to you all. Anyone that votes Tory is a complete arsehole. I don't really have an affiliation with anything now. My Dad & Norman, My Dad & Brian. He's 85 and still alive. In a world of his own, He loves the pound shop.
Cressida dick should have been sacked by Priti Patel years ago and for any number of reasons. Always said she was left in place so she could be a "useful idiot" and that the Johnson cabal could call in a favour which they now have.
Behave, you daft ****. The details are irrelevant. It's because a) he couldn't follow the rules he'd set, and b) then lied about it repeatedly, both to us and in parliament. b) is unsurprising, given his track record of porkies, but on its own should be enough to get the odious cuπt out.