Well that’s simply not true. But as the government keep saying it, it seems the gullible will repeat it.
At the time of original posting The UK was the first western nation to begin the roll-out of the coronavirus vaccine and according to official data has given more jabs per 100 people in the population than any other European country. But how does it compare with the rest of the world? According to official data collected by Our World in Data, the UK is in the top four countries worldwide and ahead of the USA when comparing the number of doses per 100 of the pop
I do not care which side of the political divide you sit the vaccination programme & delivery in this country has been magnificent & credit to all the NHS staff , volunteers etc who have all done their bit to actually deliver this massive task & please do not bounce back to me with political arguments as I am not interested , what I am interested in is saying a big thankyou to everyone involved .
The UK has one of the highest death rates per head of population in the world. As of 27th January the New Zealand Covid death rate per million head of population was 10.5, whilst the UK was 226 per million. I think this illustrates my earlier statement.
Oddly as NZ citizen you are not allowed back into the country as a right. Got friends in NZ and Jacinda not the most popular PM at the minute.
The high level of vaccination in the uk is much to do with our willingness as a nation to take the vaccine as it is any credit to the government. There is a much higher vaccine hesitancy on mainland Europe and particularly in the US
You cannot compare, the geography of a country plays a massive part in the spread of the disease, the areas of space in New Zealand per person compared to England is huge also climate plays its part , I am no scientist but common sense tells me unless you get two countries of similar size, of similar population , of similar climate then it is impossible to make a comparison .
Can you provide where you get your evidence that that we are doing much better than mainland Europe because I dont think that is the case anymore We are behind Denmark Portugal Italy Ireland Belgium effectively level with France and Norway less than 5 % more doses per head in front of Germany Finland Austria Netherlands Spain and Luxembourg so how are our government doing so much better than the others - the facts dont support that evidence on the link below https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2021/health/global-covid-vaccinations/ and if instead you count deaths per capita we are the 3rd worst in Mainland Europe only Belgium and Italy are worse. Dont believe the spin that we are somehow doing better than everyone else because of Johnson - the facts dont support it We are doing better than the USA but so is just about everyone else so thats quite a low bar
Whilst there are similarities between NZ & UK, their epidemiological profiles do have differences; however not enough to illustrate how much better the NZ have managed COVID than the UK. Our vaccine ‘roll out’ programme has been excellent but the front end management was grossly incompetent. Patrick Vallance’s National Security Risk Assessment warned of an impending pandemic similar to SARS, which was presented to government in the late Autumn of 2019. It contained contingencies and control measures. Johnson disregarded it because he was focused on Brexit and an election. When it became apparent the need to lock down we did too little and we’re far too late. We discharged elderly patients from hospitals into care homes untested. When we banned incoming flights from red-listed countries we gave a week’s notice. The list of mismanagement goes on. NZ managed the crisis so much better, despite not having the vaccination advantages we had. Total UK COVID deaths are 156,000, NZ are 53. We have the highest in western Europe, more than countries that are more densely populated than UK.
I have merely commented on our vaccination programme & I will stand by my thoughts that those involved have done a fantastic job .
I didn’t offer any evidence, I was very much paraphrasing NYRs post. The thrust of my post was that the differing levels of vaccination in the western world were more to do with levels of hesitancy than national governments. There was a high reluctance to the vaccine s in France earlier on but that report suggests that has been largely overcome. However I suspect it is very difficult to make direct comparisons between countries given the different tragedies that have been used, whether people have had one, two or three or more doses. The booster campaign here seems to have been successful and if we are giving out any credit then it should go to the NHS.
It's very difficult for New Zealand citizens to get back home as the waiting list is very long. Unless of course like singer Lorde you were due to sing at the wedding of the PM and by amazing coincidence you get the chance to come home quicker than most.
Im fully on board with giving credit to the NHS and to be fair the vaccination roll out is about the one thing this government have got right regarding Covid but I dont like it when its stated that we have done better than everyone else when we havent