The was an old man from Japan Whose limericks wouldn't quite scan When he was asked why He was heard to reply Well I always seem to struggle to find the right words for the last line
Av always bin a Red But ar form fills me wi dread We cant win a game An Its a chuff*n shame That ah wish ad stayd in bed
There wer a young lad from tarn Who dint understand wot limericks were His mate sed it shud rhyme So do it agen but he still cant get it reyt
The match at Oakwell in Barnsley? Mi mates think I’m most likely barmy. They’ve sed “Gi that a miss, come art ont the piss”. they’ll get battered again, sod the red army.
A went to Mapp pictures at Darton A sat on't front row at back A woman gi mi a banana I et it and gi er it back.