Just seen it all, I mean he’s got to have his time in court. But from the evidence on the internet it looks and sounds absolutely disgusting. That voice recording made me feel weird, poor lass must’ve been terrified. Hope justice is served and if he is found guilty spends a long time behind bars.
Search his name on Google mate you’ll see it all. Be warned though, it’s uncomfortable viewing. It’s alleged domestic violence against his girlfriend.
It’s all over Twitter that he’s allegedly forced his girlfriend into having sex with him and she’s posted pictures of herself looking bruised, sickening if true.
She uploaded videos to Instagram of him basically busting her face open. I don’t like the kid, I never did from the whole Iceland incident. Phil Foden was apologetic, keen to make things right etc whereas Greenwood was arrogant and carried himself very poorly throughout it all. It’s clear Southgate sees this too, he’s not made an England squad since. Shame as the kids talented.
There are photos showing his girlfriend with bruises and blood captioned where she alleges that he has caused them and there is an audio recording which claims to be mason greenwood forcefully attempting to rape her. Now obviously it could be staged and could be an actor's voice or anything or could even just be roleplay in the bedroom but the recording has a man's voice say something like "I asked you politely and you said no so what else can I do" and "in going to have sex with you you stupid lovely person"
Not condoning domestic violence one iota but what rattles my cage is why post it all over social media as opposed to going to the old bill.
Best not to comment too deeply on what may become a criminal matter but there can never be any excuse or exception for domestic violence. If you commit that sort of offence it should always be followed up by a prison sentence no matter who the person is.
She's probably done both. And posting evidence on social media is a wise idea, it safeguards against the usual pondlife harassing and threatening her for being a "money grabbing lying slag trying to ruin the poor lad's career."
Also interesting that out of all the horrible aspects of this it's her posting on social media to protect herself that "rattles your cage"
Having been the victim of DV (yes I am a bloke) and like I said not condoning this at all, I just find it interesting that people choose to share it on social media. If true then he deserves everything he gets and I agree the lack of support for victims is useless but I wouldn't want to do jeopardise any investigation or conviction by sharing evidence first. Acknowledges the point that she may have spoken to the police already.
Sad thing is it won't be the end of his career even if it's true. Look at Gazza who is worshipped by many in society including on here who admitted beating his wife regularly over a number of years. He gets TV work, dinner bookings etc.
He just sounds like a self entitled psychopath in that audio, not used to ever being told no because he's a famous footballer. There's real potential prejudice to a trial with it being released but maybe his victim felt retribution in the Court of public opinion would be the most damaging response. Whatever her motivations for posting it, there's nothing that can justify what's on that audio, nothing at all. Take your medicine Greenwood.
Yeah I had a nosey earlier and I'm not surprised looking at the comments from football 'fans' on there. Poor lass.
Ed Woodward’s currently ringing all the Salford-based sexual equality courses for availability. Mason will be re-educated before the season finishes.