Quite explosive from Blackford. I was even shouting at the TV to not retract his comment and stick up for it. Obviously he isn't allowed to say what he said which led to him being kicked out. Good on him
Great question to him requiring to provide detail to the house of the changes he’s bringing in…. There was obviously no detail ..
There is something very wrong though with our parliamentary system when I Prime minister repeatedly and provably lies to the house and the person who calls him on it has to leave for bringing partiament into disrespect
So many questions repeated and wasted though in the last fifteen minutes. What started off as an absolute car crash and a battering, is still there, just without those ‘wow’ moments that will turn folk and MPs against him.
But sadly while ever the massed ranks of tory cowards and sycophants prop him up, he'll let them. The HoC has no teeth. The opposition can't do anything. It's all down to the tory backbenchers, or even for the front benchers to break rank. Or for the police investigation to find him guilty and the full report to show facts and events that show through his constant lies and denials. I think April/May will be when it comes to a head. NI rise, energy price rises, local elections and the Met investigation should be coming to a close by then, if not before.
Some of the questions being asked just felt like a complete waste of being given the platform. I get the argument that you’ve got to keep piling the pressure on, but you knew what the answer was going to be about 80% of the time. I guess I’m suggesting that those asking questions needed to be a bit more fleet of floor and creative to put another spin on something or ask it in a different way? It wasn’t a criticism by the way. Just an observation. Aaron Bell and the MP for Hull did that. As did he person asking about their being a problem with alcohol within the Commons.
Of the first 10 Tories to ask a question 7 were damning, asking for detail they knew he didn't have or demanding the full report be produced which he wouldn't agree to. Of the 3 that supported him, 2 were loonies Jenkin and Fabricant. After that most of the 'grown-ups' left in the Tory party exited and I think it's decent tactics by the opposition to keep the liar in there asking questions whilst (fingers crossed) the knives are being sharpened outside by the grandees in the committee and tea rooms. He's getting p'd off having to still be in there now
Most odious thing of the lot was when he called on the ghost of Jimmy Saville to save his job. Thatcher gave Saville a knighthood.
I knew Johnson was in trouble when he started peddling the rubbish about Starmer letting Saville off.... He has no defence and is surely clinging on until the Met publish their findings.