im one of those ST people, just short of 40 years I’ve been going, I wish I wasn’t and felt differently- but it’s different this time, like you say we’ve been crap before but I’ve never sat at home with my ST in the drawer, regardless of match or league position or form if I don’t renew next season I won’t be paying on the day - I’ll make sure I’ve planned things in to do. Im hoping and praying the meeting between the trust and Paul Conway takes place and I am happy with what I hear.
An hour and half review of what's gone on and then finishes with it's over to you? I'd have expected discussions about the next steps etc etc. Gets stranger this whole thing.
So it was basically "Tykes TV Live." Nothing about the prospective buyers, fleeting details about some vague plans to protest in future, and not much else. It looks more and more like a Luke Goddard one man project, based on what I've seen tonight. Plenty of passion, without a doubt, but very little substance beyond what we already know.
I was starting to feel sorry for Luke, but it's beginning to look like it's just a load of twaddle cooked up by Luke himself.
watched 30 seconds of talking chair doing a power point presentation and turned it off. couldn't be arsed. what was point of that. going over what we already know. thought idea was to organise a protest
Got a lot of time and respect for Luke, Steve love a lot of what they say and what they do on tykes tv they are obviously heart and soul reds fans. Having watched that presentation tonight and after all the hype but no news on the prospective buyers or the next steps and plans surrounding it. Presentation was good but kind of told us poor sods what we already know about the locusts.These people waiting in the wings coming to rescue the club is what we need to hear about.
Whilst the CEO and club officials were at the Garrison, the prospective new buyer has taken over Oakwell.The whole thing was a decoy. Get in!!!!!!! Oh well we can all but dream.
Luke promised to answer the questions of who the potential buyers were and how they could be sure they and enough cash. No better than the 80% mob promising answers and then failing to deliver