This thing at Garrison on Tuesday...

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by RedVesp, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. Jud

    Juddy G Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2014
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    So all this debate back and forth let’s get to the real issue for us Reds, what’s happening with the Scoreboard all this chicken flatbread stuff is deflection tactics.
  2. pompey_red

    pompey_red Well-Known Member

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    sometimes people will have different opinions to your own.
    I think your ire is I’ll directed. The message you have written above should be addressed to the so called “other group” if indeed it can be seen as such
  3. pompey_red

    pompey_red Well-Known Member

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    Martin Nettleton had them printed. They say Conway out, that’s why the whole thing isn’t called PMG out. Because of margins leaflets.
  4. lk3

    lk311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    Here’s my take on the whole ST v FB debate, I’m trying to summarise so please bear in mind.

    Both want things to improve but,

    ST - want to improve things at the club
    FB - want to change the owners.

    That is why they will always struggle to see eye to eye, fundamentally they want different things (for now).

    Ironically if the Owners changed their tact, in terms of investment, spending, recruitment etc and we started to see improvements the FB group would quickly disappear.

    Personally, I think if as fans we want to see change as it stands the quickest and easiest way to get that message to the Club is through ST as they connections are already there.
    As a result I think FB have made a fundamental error in at worst trying to deliberately marginalise ST and at best made an error of judgement and should be trying to use that link to effect change.
    If it had been me behind FB(?), I would have started with Time4Change and used ST as a tool to facilitate and if that didn’t work then moved onto Conway Out etc.

    In short, stop squabbling and work together. Focus your energies on the goal.
  5. Indie Red

    Indie Red Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    Oh yeah totally. I was referring to the juvenile things that were said about last night’s event and in particular about the host of said event.

    Whatever peoples views are about this protest group, that Luke took time out of his own life to organise an event which raised money for the Barnsley Hospice and stood up for 2 hours expressing a lot of valid points backed up by facts.

    I say fair play to him.
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  6. nezbfc

    nezbfc Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Somewhat understand your point. And very nearly wrote a similar one in that group.

    I didn't for a few reasons. Namely:

    * I am intrigued as to what the purpose of Conway out is. It's not yet clear. I did ask (after 3 days I think) if it was aimed at Conway only, the PMG, or the whole lot. The response I got was from the nettleton "impersonator". Who said the whole lot.
    Luke however has since confirmed it is only at PMG (eventually) leaving the new owners to decide if Crynes will be to work with or not.

    * I'm not putting myself in a position to interact and duplicate everything I might post on here, to another group, and have the same debates, if all it turns out to be is another sounding off platform. I don't have the patience to double up on discussions.

    * My point above, and as I've been a member of this BBS since 2005, makes sense I comment here. It's a fantastic place at times. And Facebook is a real turn off for me in general at the minute tbh. Its also the length of time I've been on here I don't join other platforms. Be that tykes mad or other factions.

    * I'm not aiming to discredit either platform or any other group. People are free to choose who they interact with, so I took the view from my own point of what I perceive to be a complete breakdown in 2 groups. And just simply offered advice to the group I've been on all that time.

    I appreciate your point, but should the other group mobilise and it become something that I truly can get behind and support, and if those "disagreements" remain between the BBS and or the ST with the Facebook Group, then yes, I would approach Luke in a similar fashion. As it stands, I'm open to see where it goes rather than dismiss it outright. Although admittedly it has been watered down somewhat from what the original aims are (from what I can make out). Last night played a big part in that.

    I don't think it helps any cause for an us and them from either side. I am open to throw my support behind any group that can help push for change. With the obvious exception of violence. I'm not as fit and young as I used to be, and have mellowed quite a lot since my early 20s
    pompey_red likes this.
  7. Loko the Tyke

    Loko the Tyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 4, 2005
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    I can’t sign up to this. There’s no power trip or struggle on the side of the Trust and we don’t act on individual thoughts or opinions. Actually, I take that back, we do but it’s mainly based on what we think the majority feeling is and what we need to do on behalf of the majority of supporters. I don’t type my own thoughts or ask the CEO my own questions. Contrary to belief and the mud slinging it’s not ‘Celebrity Corner with Loko’.

    Taking the thread about the ‘hoax’ to one side, the majority of my posts are having to defend our actions or point out inaccuracies. Or explain our stance. They’re not posts looking for power or looking for people to follow, they’re not criticising individuals, and they’re not rubbishing any opinion on what you want and think is best for the football club. The criticism has only been personal one way and a lot of the discussion is around that. This thread backs that up. I’m always willing to listen. It’s important to remember that censorship and a lack of openness is currently also just one way but yet I still get criticised personally.

    You mention a divide but that’s on a tiny, tiny scale which appears to be there to those of us online and with access to the info, but that’s probably 0.01% of the fan base. It’s no different right now than most footballing discussions, it’s just a far more important one because of what it means, what it could mean, and because of how poor we are.

    The reason I’m defending this ‘divide’ comment that gets mentioned a lot is because it doesn’t need to be there and isn’t being driven from the side of the Trust. We’ve tried to get closer to the group and have conversations about this, but for some reason those advances have been rejected. I can’t make that any clearer.
  8. Fon

    Fonzie Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2012
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    It'll be fair play to him if the things he's said happen, happen.

    Until then, it's just an ego trip.

    In my opinion.
  9. Sla

    Slawit red Active Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Loko I think there has always been a divide between those associated with the supporters Trust and those not. This divide is now showing more than ever with the new group created. Personally I've always been associated with the Supporters Trust and believe this is the best way. In this world we live however some people want instant conclusions and are not willing to wait hence the fast progression of Lukes group. Its important to keep offering the olive branch whilst appreciating people go about things in different ways. From the sound Khaled did himself some good last night by turning up. I hope this is a start of further meaningful discussions to overcome the issues.
    scarf and Jimmy viz like this.
  10. Loko the Tyke

    Loko the Tyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 4, 2005
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    I’m repeating myself I know, but when you see comments like this I feel like screaming at the wall because I don’t know what more we can say.

    - We asked for a meeting weeks ago with the group but were told to ‘Prove Ourselves’
    - We were kicked out of the Facebook group, along with other supporters, for wanting to know more about the ‘alternative model’ and owners waiting in the wings
    - I sent my thoughts and opinions, basically what you see on here, to Luke and had no reply. The opening paragraph of that clearly said ‘would like nothing more than local businessmen to run the club and take us out of this multi-club network’. I got no reply
    - Blocked on social media or harassed by fake/hidden social media accounts
    - I attended last night. The Trust wasn’t mentioned, not that it needed to be, but I’d have happily contributed or given our stance if asked. I’ve said well done to Luke on putting it together and holding court for 90 minutes. I’ve said unity needs to come from the points I made in my original message to him, and that I’m sure he understands that criticising the Trust for not asking the right questions only to not ask the CEO anything when he’s there and you’re live on Facebook would come under a bit of scrutiny
    - I would say 95% of our posts on this are in response to things being said, not just stating an opinion. We have to work pretty tirelessly just justifying what we’re doing, why, or pointing out things are incorrect
    - We haven’t accused anyone of slander or talking behind backs. Outside of using the word ‘hoax’, which was about there being any kind of consortium, we’ve been sympathetic and understanding to the cause

    As a fellow supporter who gets absolutely zero benefit, and just a whole amount of additional stress, from something that used to be fun (supporting a football team), I don’t really know what more we can do. Maybe the answer is to not reply to inaccuracies, just ignore the criticisms and let you talk amongst yourselves. But that feels like access is being denied and transparency cut off, and not a progressive forum or channel. But I feel like it benefits people to hear the background or some understanding, even if they go on to disagree still.

    All I know is I’m really tired of being pitched as if I’m in a fight against something, personally against something, or in a camp. I don’t see it as 50/50 because you only have to read the above and the summary by @Fonzie to see that it’s night and day in terms of what’s being going on from ‘the two sides’ which aren’t really two sides at all.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
  11. Don

    Donny-Red Well-Known Member

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    Could you quote those juvenile things, because I haven’t seen any.
    In fact the only ‘criticism’ I’ve read of Luke during this whole affair is his knee jerk use of the ban button on the Facebook group whenever he feels under pressure.
  12. Dalestykes

    Dalestykes Well-Known Member

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    You've put your finger on it there I think. My understanding is that the FB group have come into being because the majority of our support (imo) have come to the view that the Club is being badly run (at best) or being destroyed from within (at worst) by the current ownership. Sufficient number of them exist to attempt to put together a campaign - albeit floundering about somewhat at the moment - to remove the Owners.

    I understand it is the case that the ST do not want the owners removed, and subsequently do not want to lead or be involved in a campaign with anyone (the FB group or anyone else), to seek their removal. That position may change in time but it hasn't yet.

    That seems to me a pretty big divide.
    Redhelen likes this.
  13. orsenkaht

    orsenkaht Well-Known Member

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    Neither group will have any bearing on the actions of the owners, so it's a pointless debate.
    scarf, Jimmy viz and Chopwell Red like this.
  14. lk3

    lk311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    TBH, I would just repeat the above comment, your energies would be better elsewhere.
    I’m not laying the blame (if there even is such a thing) at either door just we would be more likely to effect change if both were working together.
  15. lk3

    lk311 Well-Known Member

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    TBH, I’m not even sure it’s not that the ST don’t want them moved on just that it’s not where it is yet.
  16. Dan

    DannyWilsonLovechild Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    Firstly, I'll just re-iterate I'm supportive of the position the Trust is currently taking in wanting to talk to Conway before crystallising any call for action or setting out any further plans if Conways contribution falls short or lacks accuracy and clarity.

    You've also obviously tried to communicate with the FB group.

    The problem will be that in highlighting that you've made efforts, you're inadvertently apportioning blame for those efforts not being reciprocated by the FB group. What you say is true though. And I don't blame you for defending your position.

    I know it would be difficult, and I know I'm a fine one to talk on this, but I'd say you've made your points well, you've outlined what has occurred and echoing it further is unlikely to lead to perceptions enhanced from those who have been critical of the trust. I don't think you can say anymore.

    And sadly, if you do say anymore and defend the same position, it's only likely to lead to a perception of division.
    lk311 likes this.
  17. Tek

    Tekkytyke Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    I think this sums it up. Loko puts a brave face on things but IMO the 750K issue is physical evidence of the two critical things that the owners have taken away from the fans - Hope and Ambition i.e.'The Dream' making it to the top tier providing entertainment and excitement along the way. What else is there in football for the fans?
    Some people claim football is different, but in reality it is, ultimately, just another form of entertainment which is competing against ever increasing diverse and accessible competition for our attention and, more importantly, hard earned money. Combine that with all the FA/EFL corruption and ineptitude re FFP adherence and Premiership protectionism in rules e.g. parachute payments and dodgy owners (not just at BFC) and the loyalty of fanbase is stretched to breaking point.
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  18. Indie Red

    Indie Red Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    About to start work mate, so don’t have the time to trawl through last nights posts, but I’m sure if you have a thorough look for yourself you’ll see what I was on about. Off the top of my head I remember a post slagging Luke off for being a ‘bad actor’ knowing full well that’s one of the things he does for a living.

    Happy hunting anyways.
  19. Sla

    Slawit red Active Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Time to get behind the team tonight and support them to hopefully a win. This is what we should all be together doing. U REDSSSS.
  20. Don

    Donny-Red Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2018
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    The ST (Labour party) appreciate that there’s lots of problems in the country (club) that need fixing, and want to work with whoever has the will and the ability to improve things for all.
    The FB group (Brexit party) don’t like what’s going on in the country (club) and think that the obvious answer is to throw out the foreign owners (EU), with no plan for what will happen next other than a vague promise of a beneficial owner (sunlit uplands).

    it’s not surprising that a forum that’s weeded out the majority of racists are more thoughtful and more likely to support the stance of the ST. Or that a Facebook group is more likely to follow the noise of a ‘protest group’.

    Nor is it surprising that a ‘protest group’ has gained traction so fast in a town that voted so enthusiastically for Brexit.

    Further lack of surprise that having whipped up a mob, the FB group would like to distance themselves from Saturdays violence without actually condemning it wholeheartedly (Brexit and Britain first being two cheeks of the same arse).

    just my observation:)

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