As most are aware about the west stand and my 88 year old mothers letter to the CEO in November in which she failed to get a reply Well good news After highlighting the situation to him last night and receiving an apology from him he went one step further today.... Earlier this afternoon he found time out of what be a busy day for him due to it being a match day to call her personally and apologise to her and have a mother says they had a lovely chat and is really made up that he called her. He asked if they were going tonight as he was going to arrange to meet them later this evening before the game unfortunately Due to the old fellas parkinsons playing up they aren't going tonight ...he said he was sorry to hear that and asked if they could call him the next time they are at oakwell and he will meet up with them Don't know about you guys but I think that's a lovely gesture on his part much respect to the bloke for his actions One happy mother who will be really over the moon if we get 3 points tonight to top it So thank you Khalid much appreciated
Fair play to him. He's addressed the earlier issue and the main thing is that your mother's reaction to this is more than positive.
Its fair to say he's had a good 24 hours, given that he made himself accessible at the Garrison last night, in what could have potentially been a difficult situation for him, and then he's taken the time out to go 'above and beyond' expectations to deal with this issue. Hopefully, he can get the hat-trick this evening via his managerial appointment getting his first win in an absolutely must win game.
Great to be reading some more positivity recently. First a battling performance at the weekend and now Khaled really stepping up this week. Let's hope there's more to come!
Khaled has taken a lot of stick since he came in but I think he has been very open and forthcoming with supporters groups and happy to take time to speak with supporters. I think he's in an impossible situation sometimes but does tge best with the little he has.
Credit where it’s due. He’s been getting some flack lately but with the flack should also come praise where it’s due. Very nice gesture from him
Great story and brilliant for your mother to get her seat back, though with very valid reasons for missing tonight’s game. However, as a child, I lived with my Grandmother and remember her becoming very blunt and straight talking once in her 80s so jokingly imagine the conversation to have gone something like; Khaled “Hello Mrs ‘shed’ blah, blah, blah…welcome you back to your seat” Mrs Shed “Oh, right” Khaled “So it would be great to catch up with you tonight. I assume you will be there?” Mrs Shed “No!!” (line goes dead)
Initially terrible treatment but fair play to him for responding in the right way. Takes guts to do that sometimes. Barnsley folk are also very forgiving if they feel a wrong has been righted. Good all round.
Starting with a win tonight please which results in a fight back and a wheeling out of the three little birds song . We can but hope
Better to phone your mum than have to listen to thi rattling on again Bri ….joking aside that’s a lovely thing to do.
Credit where credit due , copped the flak rightly so for the west stand debacle but this goes some to putting things right. Well done for sticking up for mum to his face far too many keyboard warriors.