No point in keeping him, the players aren't improving under his coaching and the word win is obviously not one he learnt in his otherwise excellent English lessons.
I can’t see the point binning him this season. Will just be more money down the drain. I desperately hope there’s a relegation get out clause in his contract though. He should be gone the second the final whistle blows, on the game that sends us down.
The cynic in me feels like the board will keep Poya on regardless this season, because when we go down, it'll trigger a clause in his contract costing less money to get rid..?
The way he's speaking makes me think there may not be. So may as well get rid before confidence gets dented still further.
Watching Poya tonight and his body language I feel sorry for the bloke as a human being. He needs putting out of his misery so he can get on with his life and career. He has to go immediately just like the locusts that own us do. Other than pound notes in his wages and a job description that means in Swedish ‘you will be a yes man and do what you are told old love’ why is he still here ? He is so out of his depth it’s embarrassing. Is it a case of that we won’t pay him off because it costs too much so instead he is forced to stand like a shop dummy every week on the touch line losing game after game and talking in riddles to the press ? Surely it can’t carry on ? Sat watching that tonight in front of just 6-7 thousand in an empty stadium against one of the worst championship teams you will see in many seasons and we had just 2 attempts on goal it’s just depressing. Shithouse footballers old manned our tip tap football and we were only ever going to get nil. We were so powder puff up top it was ridiculous. Crying out for muscle and brain centre forwards in the transfer window the minute it opened and we get nothing. All of this demise is at the door of the owners. tonight’s result changes nothing it just compounds that these locusts are killing our club and running it into the ground they need running out of town immediately. They are bleeding it dry and it dies a bit more every day they are here. Loko by the way have you had any response at all from Mr Conway on having a meeting ? February asap we are hoping for ? Can’t wait to hear from him and his thoughts. #NOTAPENNYMORE
I just don't get why people aren't sharing my level of ambivalence. Unless you've a spare few million knocking about what can you do?
He will be gone at the end of the season, surely we've got an agreement to part ways if we're relegated.
Loko refers to this in the Garrison thread. Something about was hoping for 7th of Feb but couldnt be agreed by all parties - not speaking on Loko's behalf, but just what I read and thought I'd answer incase he doesn't see this since you didn't tag him bud.
If we had money to burn I'd agree with you. Unfortunately we appear to be absolutely brassic. We're stuck with him until the end of his contract or...wait for it... another club comes in for him
Evening tyke the tree frog thanks for that so 7th feb maybe ? I’ll look forward to hearing Conway answer questions more than Christmas Day !! Will it happen ? Will it be live and in person facing the fans ? That’s the million dollar question ? Will he need a list of pre scripted questions a few days before and answer on zoom only ? How can Conway talk his way out of this sh*t storm that’s him and the locusts have created ? These are so called international multi millionaire business people and look at BFC and all the other clubs they get their paws on……..all of them on their arses with angry fans wanting them out !
Evening to you too bud. IIRC, 7th of feb was definitely out the window for that. I could be wrong though - I don't fancy trawling through 30 pages to find out
I do feel sorry for him but we barely seem able to score, let alone win a game of football. Granted, the first half was a bit better tonight but we still didn’t test their goalie. I can’t see how he stays on as head coach, especially as we’re plummeting towards league 1.
Just because of what he’s walked into. We were so disorganised under Schopp, all over defensively. He’s tried to sort that but now we look lacking going forward. Like I said though, I can’t see him being with us in league 1.