There are 4685 registered accounts. However some of those are Banned people People who have never posted People who are no longer with us Inactive
That's a lot more than I thought. I wonder if some are duplicates. Can you see how many have logged in in the last 6 months?
So a guesstimate of active readers and contributors, excluding banned and inactives might be 3000? 3500?
A lot more viewers than contributors/members. The below is a snapshot of who's online right now: Total: 358 (members: 50, guests: 292, robots: 16)
This is a fun game to play. Assuming the screen that I'm looking at is classing messages as posts, how many posts do you think the BBS has in total? Another fact is currently 160 banned accounts. But this includes duplicates, spam, robots, etc.
Fake website/IPs that are flagged? Like a bot on Twitter, so an automated IP trying to get int o the website to contribute? Not sure really.