Great. So basically we haven’t progressed beyond a medieval society. Bring back hanging, public floggings and the ducking stool then.
Every day I find I'm using the same expression multiple times: "What the fkcu is the world coming to?". Jesus Christ.
I ******* hate the Conservative party and Boris Johnson. But this is nothing to do with politics and everything to do with absolute brain dead ******* *******.
You’re right. Just a group of young lads dishing it out to people they've got a grudge against. It’s always happened. Probably said the same in 1930s Germany.
Of course it's to do with todays politics. Hate, hate and more hate, which brexit and boris have given credence to. With no moral culpability expected. Horrible world, which those on here who feel justified to abuse players and staff compound. Brave, very brave keyboard warriors.
No one’s saying it’s politics led but it’s because the people who are supposed to be beyond reproach are behaving like fleas round **** and giving a bad example which are green lights to Criminals, thugs , etc.
I get the slight impression that if the current charlatans in power acted like angels, this would still be happening. And this is coming from someone who is a staunch communist.
I blame - 1) the parents - “give me a boy until he’s 7 and I’ll give you the man”. 2) societies view of men and where they belong in it. 3) economic conditions linked with 1&2. 4) individual responsibility to not behave like a doornob.
Think there's been a massive deterriation in behaviour recently. Has lockdown had an effect? Possibly ... Feels like people have just been let off the leash and don't know what to do with themselves. Noticed in when going out for a drink- people just seem angrier
I have no doubt that a young Barnsley idiot who probably stands in the bottom left of the Ponte will have seen the incidents by the Rotherham person and Liecester one and try the same. You can blame Boris and Conway when it happens if you want but I would suggest it's because they are drunk and stupid and get wound up by reading posts, messages, tweets on social media by people who know better and know how their bile will be acted on by the young and stupid. The people writing it are inciting violence because they haven't the guts to do anything about it themselves as they are only strong when behind a computer screen.
I don't blame Conway one bit. At no point has he encouraged any kind of violence or disgraceful behaviour. I want him out of our club but not via violence. No right minded person has said that at all
Probably most accurate post on here. There is definitely a re emergence of blokes in the late 80’s early 90’s coupled with a younger generation wanting to ‘impress’. That said doesn’t take a lot of bravery to do what he did yesterday seeing as he knew they couldn’t retaliate.
You dont have to specifically mention violence for idiots to interprete the comments to act in a violent way. It always inevitably ends in violence, every boidy knows that - lets have a friendly football protest with large groups of drunk teenagers all fuelled by social media posts annd messages. I wonder what will happen?. The people posting are as guilty as the ones throwing the punches and smashing things up. We see in in other aspects of life as well.
Lol wtf you on about, fighting in Nottingham wow shocker and you come out with that drivel, drama queen.
Leicester fans were drinking at 8am. Theirs a photo of them. Who serves beer at that time? Arseholes anyhow
Seen this far too many times. Just look at them after they have thrown a table. It’s almost as if they’re saying “Did you see that? I threw a table.” You see this aggression from every set of fans all over the country. Seen loads of our own fans in the “come on, let’s have a fight” pose. I often wonder if after it’s all calmed down, and they were watching a video of themselves with their Mums, wives, kids, they’d have the self awareness to be embarrassed by their actions. Having been on the train where Hull fans effectively smashed up the ceiling lights, it was obvious that none of them was over 18, yet all of them were hammered. Who is serving these kids, and how do their parents not know that they are getting alcohol? It’s almost as if it’s an accepted “boys will be boys” part of growing up.
Never heard anything like it thats what lets this board down its all behind a political agenda. So if jeremy Corbyn was in power our lot and Huddersfield wouldnt have been scrapping Saturday? And the bloke wouldnt have ran on the pictch at forest? Give over. Maybe its all stems from blair invading iraq? Or maybe its because Putin looks like he wants to invade ukraine? Or maybe people get together for football mobbed up on ale early doors and some people are out for trouble and some are just arseholes. And when fans of both sides are goading each other things can esculate pretty fast.
Although you are right, however you must admit that Government policy creates the culture and society of the country in which it governs.