For ***** sake what proof are you wanting? A 746 page dossier of the doings of the board? An advert in the chronicle from Conway and Lee informing us of their methods? If you don’t think that the owners have had any say in the change in ‘tactics’ this season then I’d suggest you are in a pretty small minority.
Statistically has then been a worst start for a manager/ head coach anywhere in the top 4 divisions?!!
After a promising first half, it quickly became a pile of horse manure. No worries. we still have 51 points to play for. play offs still possible!
I believe in Santa, tooth fairy and unicorns…but a Barnsley win, I can’t stretch my imagination that far
I wonder what Poya is thinking when we just chip aimless ball after ball into the box from 30 yards out? Does he honestly think that were going to score? Changing the midfield and attackers every game doesn't help but we've got absolutely no pattern of play or link ups whatsoever which must be his responsibility to create in training.
A new coach, that had to be brought in, will always have their own tactics. Just like Val did when he turned up. Did our worshipful masters tell Val to play in a certain way? No. How have all the previous coaches played ? like Val? No. Which coach do you know who could replace Val and play the same way? I'm not sure where you'd get one from. So it was inevitable there'd be a change in the way we played. It was probably inevitable we'd end up down the bottom of the league, cos in my opinion we haven't got a squad that would do anything but struggle in this league. There's no mystery or intrigue here. The whole shebang's been terrible from top to bottom this season.
In this league for the most part it is being effective that counts and Nathan Jones sure knows how to get his team to do that. Theoretical we are well out skilled by most teams but out fought by none. I can see it is a long hard season for you guys, it does not look good. Anyway, hope things turn a corner, teams usually sack their managers after losing to us.