T The coaches are culpable, if they have stood around for half a season and let players be destroyed. Yes.
Totally agree with everything quoted above. However, all of this was foreseeable, and there is absolutely no way the loss of Mowatt and Dike can fully account for the drop in performances between last season and this. Therein, some other reason(s) must lie...
Could it be that the extra subs thing was actually more use to us due to the way we played? Certainly at least some people thought so. Not sure about Struber playing the same way to be honest. If he did, it certainly wasn't as pronounced.
Let's just agree to disagree. For what it's worth, I point the finger squarely at the owners for this debacle, but I respect your right to see it differently.
And I accept that some of it is down to coaches and the players. But I will take some convincing that the real architects of all this aren't currently sitting in some far off place not giving a damn.
Everyone at club should be ashamed, been overtook by Derby County with there points deduction is all that needs to be said
Oh, I point the fingers at them indeed. But coaches / managers and sulking players are also responsible. But yes, the owners are the culprits. I'm done with it until they leave.
That`s the sign of a good coach utilising what he had. Looks has though he is trying to replicate what Struber did to me but he aint anywhere near yet.
I agree, and for the remainder of this season we should aspire to get to ‘poor’. Poor is way way better than a joke or pathetic or embarrassing. I think we should go for it.
Me too. Final word on the players though. As much as I would criticise their lack of ability (and experience) at this level, I can't say I've seen evidence of sulking. They looked gutted at the end tonight. But young players, losing every week, utter lack of experience and leadership around them, perhaps no-one could blame them for feeling a bit sorry for themselves, Silly me, of course we can blame them.
When are we gonna grow some balls get rid of this school teacher head coach appoint somebody who k ows what they are doing and politely ask the board to **** off.
No we wern"t , we got 78 points last season , thats not down to luck , this year the organisation , coaching & infact the whole running of the show has been a disaster , the players last season showed they are better than this , it has been a total managerial shocker .
I've seen sulking players giving up all season - a far cry from last year when they were getting a rocket from Val. Styles, Brittain, Woodrow, - experienced players now. They're not the only ones. Started at Blackpool and been rotten ever since.
2 wins all season. No desire or ability between them. No matter how poor the management, the players HAVE to take some of the blame. I don't give a toss about sulking. It is quite literally like we have 10 men on the pitch every single game, there's no desire to move for the ball, no desire to challenge for the ball, no desire to do anything other than the bare minimum. They're a bunch of shirking, overpaid, feckless basstards and are far from blameless for this season.
No one gets that lucky. The players and manager gave 100%. I do agree though that Covid played its part in us staying up the season before
We were rubbish under Struber last season. That's where the luck came in, him going to NY and Val happening to be free at the right moment.