Still a cut for the council though. They can't really set the increase at the level of the lowest pay rise in the Borough.
It looks a piece of work to me to limit the increase to 3.5% given the pressure on their budget and the need to provide essential services. The Tories are bar stewards.
Was lower than average increase last year and I'm guessing will be lower than many other rises. High as 7% last year in some places
In terms of backhanders, what we talking? Things like planning permission? I think one things for sure, if the Labour councillors take backhanders the Tories would too. Only had one experience with Houghton & helped our family.
Suppose the government won’t give Barnsley anymore funding when we have just blown over £100 million on regenerating t he town centre.
Why blown? Regeneration is supposed to be a big part of levelling up At least Barnsley residents, businesses and visitors benefit from this. How much money has the Tory government blown on their cronies over this pandemic?
Well I could have put it a bit better but weren’t we offered over £100 million pounds from the EU years ago and some bright spark came up with the idea of making Barnsley a Tuscan village and we never accepted the offer.