It's his demeanour that gets me. He goes all Vicky Pollard and shrugs his shoulders when things aren't going well (watch his interviews). I don't think he can maintain motivation levels. He stagnated at Preston. He might be bright and breezy in training. He wouldn't inspire me.
Not sure anyone has suggested they think we would. Just that we should. And nationality has bugger all to do with it, experience of the English game does though.
And nobody with any experience of the English league system would have come to manage us for whatever we paid Schopp and are paying Asbaghi? Or we couldn’t have paid a little more for a coach and brought less dross in to fill out the squad? Stick to the budget. Stick to prioritising young talent even. But flex it to bring in a bit of experience to help; on the field and especially in the dugout. If Luton, Coventry, Blackpool and so on can do it, so can we. I’m not advocating overspending. Just spending it on the right things and in the right areas.
I wasn't make a comment on what we should or shouldn't have done. I just thought it was interesting info for people to know. I don't personally think £750k+ a year is a salary we can afford for a Head Coach when you look at our total budget. That's more than three players on £5k a week being stripped from the squad or losing one of the top earners completely. I can't imagine we've ever paid that kind of money either. Let's be honest. Other coaches would have been available within the budget - we just appear to have picked the wrong one on back to back occasions, but seemed to get it right three times on the spin before that )to a degree).
I personally don’t think we can afford to pay a player upwards of £7k a week and then loan him out to a second division Belgian side for 18 months, but we have.
Or be paying £750k out of the club coffers to pay for the club!! Funnily enough the exact figure quoted to pay for an experienced manager. For the record Paul Cook would have done a decent job for you’d guess not a massive pile of cash. At least he knows how to set a team up without using a bingo machine.
Makes you wonder if they have some kind of discrimination against the English. Either of those 2 managers would have kept us up .
Pressure getting to the lad. If you see your manager like that you're gonna worry. Just answer the questions.