And us as a club. Promoting hard-working people from within should be something we see throughout the club, not just in terms of the Academy. Like the physio promotion, like this one, Like Aiden Marsh making his full debut.
As the Reds continue to progress off the pitch, the Club are excited to announce a new appointment. People commenting on 'one win' obviously didn't read the article very well.
Obviously, its a positive if people progress within an organisation... as long as they are good enough. And I'm not well placed enough to know the latter part. The communication does pose some questions though. It says the chap is to head up a new look communication, commercial and business team. Why is it new look? Has some restructure occurred? Have teams been combined? Have numbers been reduced? Is there additional recruiting going on to bulk the team out? Has there been a Director of this before? And if not why not? And if not, why now? Given the owners have been in charge for over 4 years and alleged commercialism and internationalisation were their key priorities. At present I'd just slot this into the category of news. And I must say, it's an extremely odd time to appoint such a role given we might be £7m-£8m a year light in next years budget. Just as an aside. It's a very poor heading for the article. "Addition made off the field." Given he's already at the club, it's not an addition. Not to mention the vagueness of the title. Maybe the Head of Comms needs to take a look at the Comms.
Some serious head wobbles needed in this thread. Here we are in 2014 announcing someone joining as Head of Finance and Linton Brown joining as Commercial Manager. Not even the word Director in this one. Similar headline to the article as way (lazy journalism........)
it depends how you look at I think. It relates to the 6m quid Patrick was owed by the club at the time of its sale. My guess is he either offered to delay the loan given the imminent relegation or the valuation of the club was based on being in the championship and arrangements were made to pay the money back if promotion happened at the first attempt. When the promotion was far from guaranteed both parties agreed that down to a 3.5m payment. The 750k was the first instalment. The court case relates to the rest. There is no disagreement between any of the owners over this payment and where it came from. I am certain of this. If Patrick took his money up front (which was a fraction of the money he pumped in over the years) would we be up in arms? Some of course would, some would see it for what it is.
This isn't a criticism, so please don't take my question out of context. But when you purchase anything else, do you question where it goes? Or is it because you have an emotional attachment to the football club that you're concerned about how the people in charge spend that money? My cousin asked me something similar when we first went into lockdown. He's a commercial airline pilot. He asked me whether I'd asked for my money back for the matches that were played behind closed doors after I'd bought a season ticket, like he had on his Wednesday season ticket. I said I hadn't, because I didn't see the benefit in taking the money back out of the football club in such difficult circumstances. He then asked me whether I'd asked for a refund on the holiday I wasn't able to go on, and of course I said I had. He asked me what the difference was, and to be honest, other than emotional attachment, I couldn't answer that question. I'm firmly of the opinion that football clubs stopped being 'clubs' in 1992, and became businesses. I'm no expert by a long chalk, but the way the club purchase has been financed, I get the impression is common practice.
OK. But I can't help feeling a bit foolish having stumped up for what I thought was operating revenue (to fund the day-to-day operation of the club, including wages and transfer fees), only to find that it is being used as part of the purchase agreement. I'm not sure I want any more of my money used in this way (in fact I'm certain I don't).
I'm really confused as to why an internal promotion at the club has turned into a conversation about how the purchase of the club is being financed. Can't we just be happy for the bloke? He's obviously good at his job and is best placed to further the marketing ambitions of the club.
Congratulations to Andy. Although I have never met him, I have spoken to him over text and phone a few times, when my Dad passed. I will be forever grateful to what he along with Whitey did the following days and weeks to honour my old man. For me this is well deserved and will be a good move by the club. Theres also nothing wrong with using the clubs communication platform to recognise someones development and progression from within. Sometimes its not about using the platform to inform us all as fans but to recognise someones hard work and dedication to the cause.
I take your point, and perhaps I am letting my emotions get in the way of accepting that things like this will inevitably happen. Ultimately, it is up to each of us to decide how we react going forward.
Or maybe they’re seeing the off-field progress have no effect on the core business of the football team winning. Unless you can point me in the direction of this continued progress? I get it, we’ve promoted a well liked individual who has done a good job. And deservedly so, and that it’s a forward step. But continued progress of off pitch activities?
I think some of the stories coming out from the game at the weekend are examples of off field progress. The LED screens around the pitch another. Some of the commercial deals we've announced seem to be a step in the right direction as well. This is also an announcement that clearly states there's an appetite for more. It's a bit of a doubling down to be honest - linking this with the fact us winning a game, and claiming that's what the article meant by progress, is just plain wrong isn't it?