The main reason that the European Union was formed in the 1950’s was to prevent another war in Europe. It’s only been a matter of months since the union was destabilised and weakened by brexit, and have a look at what’s happening now. On the brink of war and British soldiers in the danger zone. Coincidence? I hope so , because if isn’t, and war breaks out,,,, I can’t imagine how the people who voted for it will sleep at night.
I think it’s far simpler than that. Conway out Facebook group formed early 2022, imminent European war six weeks later. Tell me that’s a coincidence.
Has nothing to do with Brexit. If Britain turned round and said we're not sending troops because we're not in the union any more I could loosely understand your argument. It is a failing of the world that conflicts have been allowed to continue, including Syria. Shall we blame Brexit for that too? And for the record I voted to remain. Edit: and Ukraine isn't even a member of the EU...
little to do with Brexit -- the main factor in the destabilising of the EU is the support given at the present time to Putin by Orban PM of Hungary and by the Austrian president -- both Austria and Hungary being EU members.
Couldn’t be more wrong , he’s laughing his **** off , anything that weakens Western Europe plays into Putins dream of a new Soviet Union
How’s it weaken it?.....has usual the British will finish up one of Europe’s chief players.....It’s such as Germans that will be weakening alliance not us pal......anyway it’s NATO not EU isn’t it?
Biden is pushing to start WWIII to distract from domestic issues. The Ukraine leader keeps telling him to stop ramping up the rhetoric.
Not sure he is distracting anything myself.....just seems over hill to me, shouldn’t be in charge he’s too old surely......trying not to be ageist but there’s something about him that says he shouldn’t hold the power he has got at his fingertips
This war when it arrives has been scoped by Russia and America. The boundaries have been set to allow Russia to overrun Ukraine without fear of nuclear war. Don’t get me wrong no nuclear war is a good thing but two powers getting together to define the boundaries of a war before it happens seems obscene. We could have switched off Russian gas , stopped buying their oil, put the freeze on Russian money and promised to restart (release funds) when the troops were back in their barracks but it would appear that we (Europe) are unwilling to pay even more for our gas than we do at present. Note, that is definitely not a coincidence. Russia invades now while the West is dependent on gas. God help the poor beggars on both side of the front line, troops and civilians.
I do not get involved with political debate & still refuse to but what you are saying is a nonsense , now if you had said NATO then I might have given your comment some credit but it has nothing to do with EU , the main players are the same ones as always , look at Russia & look over the pond .
In my opinion this has very little to do with Brexit (although Britain's international standing and leadership since and under Johnson has deteriorated) and more to do with long term aims of Russia to consolidate presence in the Black Sea area and of pushing back against the west's NATO strategy since the end of the cold war. I personally think Putin is using troop build up as a bargaining tool to achieve his ends, dangerous though that is. Nowt really to do wi brexit though. All this sabre-rattling however and talk of 'munich moments' is not particularly helpful as it just ramps up the pressure in the pressure cooker.
Brexit can't be blamed. Boris cannot even be blamed. He seems to be doing a lot more than most to try and stop something that would affect the whole world. Germany for example are soft with Russia as they love the deal they have for gas. Biden is just as bad. We wouldn't be in this situation if Trump was still president as he dealt with Putin and other dictators well when in power. Also they care enough about what goes on in the UK to commit a war crime by releasing nuclear materials into our environment, they regularly send planes into our airspace and warships up English channel and down the Irish Sea. We are one of the worlds recognised nuclear powers with a permanent seat at the UN Security Council and the closest Allie of the USA. To say we “barely register” in Russian strategic planning is to simply ignore the real world.