Yeah i get that and I think personally it’s a reasonable view especially when we’ve heard time and time again no money is being taken out.
I'd quite like to know what his input has been into the marketing of season passes over the last three years.
Good post. I'll answer even though it's not directed to me. For a one off holiday I'd want my money back. If I owned a timeshare or an apartment in a complex and assumed my money was being used for the upkeep, I wouldn't. The question your friend posed was comparing apples with lego bricks.
He's got a tough job ahead to try and make back some of the shortfall from a big decrease in seasonal memberships for next season.
We've got a new CEO who's been looking at how things run and has been making improvements to the back office structure. I'd guess this is part of that and not anything to do with the board as such.
Do you like a challenge Andy? Certainly do Khaled, what have you got in mind? Well we need to shift 11,000 season tickets for next year, Paul’s planning on using the money from 3000 to pay back those pesky Crynes so you need to hit the spot. Now I know it’s not going to be easy given that current attendances are around 7000, the football and results have been appalling, a section of the fans have a large distrust of the current owners and we may turf them out of their seats mid-season but go big on the flat breads and I think we may hit the target. Sign me up for that one, should be a breeze boss.
"I'll just promise them something I have no intention of delivering boss" "Yeah I've heard someone's done that for the past 3 years anyway"
You didn't ask for the refund knowing that the club would struggle to balance the books without the revenue streams from having fans at games, which is fair enough as a supporter of the club. Presumably you did this on the assumption that the money retained would be used to support the operations of the football club. That's exactly why I find the owners' decision to remove £750k from the club's operating income so reprehensible.
On the internal promotion, I think this is great news, particularly after reading the various testimonials from those who've dealt with Andy. I have no issues with it being announced like this, and I imagine he'd feel pretty great to read this on the club's main page. At the very least its a positive gesture towards a clearly valued employee.
Congratulations Andy. I don't know you personally, but reading some of the stories it sounds a well deserved promotion.
Agreed, it has obviously been seen by those who have fallen out with the club as another cynical move by the club. It doesn't fit their narrative on the current situation at Oakwell. I fully understand that sections of our fanbase are far from happy with what's gone off this season and have voted with their feet. I personally just continue to turn up on matchdays at Oakwell and support the team, all the other stuff is out of my control. Owners, players, managers, are all temporary, we the fans are in it for life (well most of us)! As my end of term school report used to say MUST DO BETTER that's my take on this current regime.