As some of you will know, I am boycotting the Winter Olympics in protest against China's human rights record, but As this topic is on the main news I will comment: I reckon that young Russian ice skater must have been given "The Boris Johnson Book of Spiffing Excuses" for Christmas. "I got confused between my medication and that for my grand father". As Jr. Didcot Red 1 said: If you are from a country which has been banned for serial, state sponsored drug test failures you ought to be very very careful which drugs you take. She should be banned for a long time.
She is 15 FFS - the fault is not with her but with those responsible for her That said I dont think she should be competing at this games but I think a long ban is not appropriate for her at this stage a continued ban for Russia makes sense though
Young lass was probably threatened and bullied into taking things she's got zero clue about. But yeah, let's ban her forever and let her "team" move on to their next target.
Anyone of any age/gender in any sport who fail a drugs test should be banned for life. It's a joke Russians can still compete at the Olympics.
I haven't really heard much about it ' has she actually knowingly taken a performance enhancing drug or could it been something in a cold remedy or summat?' a lot of these so called band substances are found in everyday medicines' they're not all anabolic steroids etc..
The bottom line is we should be refusing to compete with Russia and China. You can't trust a single medal performance either of them produce.
Think you get given it as a heart medication. As I understand it, she's had clean tests before and since.
I find it crazy that we can get this far down the road before anyone knows that she's on heart meds' now we have a young girl being dragged through the mud for doing nothing more than taking meds that may well be keeping her alive..
Haha she isnt prescribed heart meds!! Supposedly her grandad's! Course they are... i mean, ive accidently taken my grandparents meds many a time. Easy mistake
Not really, that's pretty harsh on her and generous to Diaby. Diaby didn't even offer an explanation as to how the drug might have innocently gotten into his system.
I guess how easy/difficult that is depends on your living arrangements. I would imagine it's a lot easier to make that mistake if you live in the same house as your grandparents and all the medication is kept in the same cupboard.
The chances of her taking someone else's medication which just so happens to be performance enhancing is just beyond the realms of reality if you ask me. I don't blame her as I've said initially, I blame Russia for constantly cheating and no doubt putting her in this position.
Just saying, I’d argue the US’ human rights record is worse and nobody boycotts them: Forced prison labour (legalised slavery) For profit prison system encouraging dubious incarceration for said slavery Systemic racism meaning some ethnic groups are much more likely to be enslaved in said prisons The world’s most elaborate ‘intelligence’ network Propaganda at least on par with China or Russia Millions killed in the Middle East for oil or through corporate lobbying by the arms industry Backing of numerous illegitimate coups in South American countries to oust democratically elected left-wing governments to protect corporate interests Support of Israel which is literally an apartheid state, to maintain control in the Middle East Ongoing voter disenfranchisement to dissuade minorities from impacting results Gerrymandering to rival 19th century England Ongoing rollback of women’s rights and abortion access A literal concentration camp where prisoners are held indefinitely without charge and tortured (Guantanamo) Enforced healthcare poverty Etc etc ad infinitum