Kettles. Who could possibly have an opinion about kettles? Just been to get a new one as ours broke. “Which one do you thing we should get?” asks Mrs Statis. Who cares? It’s a kettle.
I agree... What's your price range? What colour? Cordless? Wattage? Who cares..... it's a kettle. Put kettle on, have a cup of Tea
Well you say that but I’ve got one of these one cup jobbies and its awesome. Even copes with the oversized tea mugs Ive got.
That looks far too sophisticated and complicated for me. Just put some water in a kettle, turn it on and hey presto!
No. Just put your cup under with a teabag in and press the button. There's a dial to adjust how much comes out. It pours boiling water in like 20 secs so it's pretty fast to go and grab a brew that's what I like about it.
In April 2021, there was a thread literally titled 'Kettle watch'. Obviously not the type of kettle you was referring to, but there is one nonetheless.
But if you’re drinking instant coffee, you really don’t want boiling water, it spoils the taste. Likewise some of the weird teas.
The kettles in Argentina have additional functionality to specify if you want the water boiling or be 85/90 degrees as that is the optimum temperature for mate.
Went into a shop and said “can someone sell me that kettle?” The shop assistant said “Kenwood?” I said “Great, where is he?”