I know for a fact that @Julian Broddle's Perm wrote a strongly worded letter to the Olympic committee requesting more competitions to be held in China. It means he gets Aromatic Duck for his tea slightly more often.
It’s curling that I don’t get. Once I start watching it, I can’t switch off til it’s conclusion. But the bit I don’t get is, how do people get into curling? Who actually was the first person to dig up a stone, polish the living **** out of it, retro fit a handle then find two dumb mates and say ‘rayt, get your ice skates on, grab your Vileda super mop, you’re coming to Silver Blades to help me get this stone on a target’. Do they teach it in certain high end schools? Are some people’s sporting dreams to be the person on the mop that help knock a Norwegian stone out of the way? I am baffled.
probably evolved from skimming stones across the ice. Think we need a curling court/pitch/ rink? In the Glassworks, I wouldn't mind having a go at it although I very much doubt is I d stay upright!
They've just opened a bar in Leeds with curling, similar to the boom battle bar that we're getting in the glassworks, so you never know!
It's cost millions to train and send these elite athletes, I would imagine out of lottery money and not a smell of a medal I think that money would have been better spent on buying me a new greenhouse.
Good job they show replays because that puck is too quick for me ! Now I, sort of, understand curling rules, it’s compelling viewing and we seem to win a few games. It’d be nice to see a sliding tackle
The men are playing really really well. They've only lost one round robin game so far against the USA. So who do we play in the semi? The USA, who are Olympic Champions..... can't make it up. We can beat them though. Women just scraped through to semis and they also play the Olympic Champions Sweden.
I used to love the winter Olympics, even more than the summer event. But I've not watched a single minute of this event and morally won't. Something has gone massively wrong with sport, how it is sometimes contested, manipulated, overseen and funded. Sport should be sport. A fair contest to find a victor. But now it's often so far removed from that simple notion.
It was widely condemned as a tactic at the time and I wouldn't say history has been kind about it. I was thinking more about systemic cheating in multiple sports. The greed that has accompanied it. The excess commercialisation of others. And the fraud and corruption some states use to host major tournaments.