Embarrassing for Dortmund as an established side to get thrashed by a club that's only been around a decade.
If the same had happened to us, would you honestly think that whatever club rose from the ashes was a brand new club? Same fans, same ground, same name... of course it's the same club!
Tomi the club was LIQUIDATED. Might have the same fans and same ground but NOT the same name. That went when the club went. Officially that club is now known as The Rangers Football Club. Now this is fact and no matter how many straws are clutched this indeed how it is.
That's how it works in the business world, I can't argue with that. Perhaps I'm old-fashioned or just naive, but there's more to football than just the business side. Whatever the current official name is, everyone still calls them Glasgow Rangers. People who have always supported the club haven't gone anywhere. Doesn't even UEFA acknowledge that they're still the same club?
Big club and those around frightened to do the right thing when properly punishing them. Same would happen should Man U or Liverpool went the same way. Poor sides like Bury and Bournemouth lost their true identities but they were never big enough to warrant being saved. Obviously the corrupt UEFA don’t really care mate. Still it’s a good laugh and feeling for me knowing that we had a hand in the DEATH of RFC.