(Well if you’re a nerd like me!) Quite a few aborted landings at Heathrow, with planes going round for another try. I would hate to be flying today.
I'm surprised that they're up there at all, given the weather warnings. Obviously I'm speaking with zero knowledge, I'm sure the folks making the decisions know what they're doing. Just surprised, that's all.
Sad to admit that I occasionally look at Flightradar. Especially see on there the planes that are flying over our house at the time. Wife loves it when I tell her such-and-such is 50 minutes from Dublin having flown from Paris at 300 mph and is now descending to 10,000 feet ... yeah, she loves it.
I'm just glad its not this week I'm in Porthleven. Full height and length glass doors, 20 feet from the edge of a cliff was entertaining with 40 mile an hour winds, let alone 80-100!
In the last hour I reckon 80% of attempted landings at Heathrow have gone round for another try. One got to around 800ft and went back up again. That would scare the s#it out of me.
Love flightradar, never stood at the end of a runway with a flask, binoculars and a tartan patterned flask but I do like looking at it, gone are the days of picking up relatives from airports to find their as been a long delay, just check on FR and set off accordingly, a brilliant app tbh
Read about someone flying in from Bordeaux to Gatwick, attempted two landings with the second getting as close as 10m to the ground, before being taken back to Bordeaux. London on red alert as it stands right now. Our work told people to cancel all meetings today and work from home.
Some have to do 'touch and go', when the wheels actually touch the runway on landing but the pilot decides at the last second that he's not going to make it so he ascends again sharpish. Now that would be new underwear time
The Arrecife Airport live webcam (Lanzarote) is tremendous. It carries the Flightradar section on the same page - so you can track them coming down to 500 feet and then pick them up on the webcam. Happy days!
Just started watching this just seen a 380 have to go round again for the second time but the smaller planes seem to do better amazing skill by the pilots