Opposite the Mount has been taken over by new owners. My mate was in there at teatime today when a young man came in and explained that he was homeless and hungry, he asked if they had any food spare. They gave him a meal of chips and fish bits, and he thanked them and left. On seeing this, my mate offered to pay for the lads meal. The new owners refused his offer and explained that they thanked god for them being in the position to help the lad. I was too moved to verbally relay this story to mrs tonjy, I am an absolute confirmed atheist but I’m so happy to be able to share this story, and my thoughts that the belief in a deity might not be that bad after all. Thank you Langdale Rd chip shop.
Despite what you may read in the news etc most people are inherently good. Read Rutger Bregman's Humankind book.
I was once in Selby and this young lad came up to me and said he had no money to get home and could I give him 2 quid, I said no worries mate, cant have you stuck for sake of 2 quid ,he took the 2 quid and went straight into William Hills
My daughter once did the same in Barnsley town centre. Gave a bloke some money out of Christian charity and he went straight into the bookies. She was gutted! I just hope he won!
yes I was going to follow him in and go whats all that about, but thought oh well lets hope he wins as you said
The amount of homeless in town is significant now, I know there are some frauds but you can tell the genuine ones mostly. Gave a few a couple of quid near quality save and Lidl but then near Peel square and Old No7 had to avoid them
My Grandma will gift us money. However, she won't lend it out or anything. If we're desperate she'll meet us at Morrisons and buy us a weekly shop or meet us at Windsor's or Trinity walk etc. She hates the thought of money going in the pub or the bookies. My point is a cup of tea and a sandwich is better than a couple of quid.
Utopia for Realists is also good. Makes you think - there is more than enough 'money' for every single person in the world to be comfortable.
I've often been asked for change but I usually say ang on pal be back in a few minutes if near a a food outlet a buy them a burger meal hot drink or a sandwich or whatever
I’m in Manchester twice a week and there’s plenty. I never give em money, ever, but always offer to buy em summat to eat or drink. Couple o times I’ve had ‘can I just have the money’, but mostly they’re glad for the food.
I was out in Leeds a few weeks ago. There was a guy outside Sainsbury’s asking for money. I went in and bought him some Lindt chocolate. Gave it to him, and he told me he didn’t like dark chocolate. I wasnt really sure what to do, at least he was honest I guess!