"Book an appointment at your local branch. It could be as little as 13 minutes drive away" Surely it could be as little as 20 seconds drive away. Where have they randomly pulled 13 minutes from?
It wouldn’t be unlucky. I’ve tried them a couple of times and their offers were at best derisory. Christ knows how they’ve conned millions into using them.
The trick is to ask them a price for your car a couple of months before you sell it. I kept getting better and better offers and I finally sold it to them at the book trade in price. It was more than 13 mins drive away though
Mainly businesses use them as it saves the hassle of selling the car…. There’s one on harborough hills. They are robbing sods for the average seller though…
A friend of mine tried them, he thought the price was a bit low... but for a quick sale he'd take the offer, when he got there they said... you didn't tell us it had those wheels... that colour upholstery, those carpets etc etc, by the time they'd finished it was a big chunk off, he told them to shove it.
They tried that on me. Tiny scratches on a 9 year old car and they wanted to knock off about £900 to fix them. Told them what I’d accept which was the book trade in value for a car with my mileage and condition and if the would accept we had a deal if not I’d go elsewhere. After a “call to his boss” he came back and agreed as I said above they had kept increasing what they could offer me so in the end they knocked about £500 of their final offer but that was over £1500 more than their first try which even then they would have wanted to reduce