My Son is watching it with the wife and they seem to enjoy. Not for me at all, but a lot worse things on the box.
Ant and Dec, Michael McIntyre, Jimmy Carr, Sarah Millican. I'd pay money NOT to have to see any of them.
Ant Mcpartlin should be nowhere near TV given his previous misdemeanours. Can't stand the pair of them tbh. Do agree that there is some absolute crap on TV on a weekend though.
Always disliked Carr. His recent holocaust 'joke' confirmed my opinion that he's a twa.t. Daughter loves McIntyre. I prefer that Scottish bloke with the beard - can't remember his name.....
He did raise a good point with the Holocaust joke though. Not the actual joke itself, I didn't like that personally or find it funny at all, but straight after the joke he explained why he believed it was a good joke. One of his reasons was that it's educational because whilst we all know about all the Jewish people who were killed nobody really talks about or educates us about the Jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals, disabled or gypsies who were also killed in thousands. Again I'm not defending the joke at all but it's a good point of why aren't the others really talked about? I've personally gone through my life with no idea at al about the gypsies or Jehovah's witnesses that were targeted and I do wonder why that is.
Some Muppet on the radio this morning described then as the 'best double act ever on tv' FFS, they can't have watched much TV!!!!!
I'd say theyre the best presenting double that I can think of but I don't think they can really be compared to true comedy double acts as that's not really what they are