I hate having to explain jokes but my "What planet are they on" comment was purely in response to the "Saturnday" typo.
Saturday night TV is rubbish. The current Mrs. DR and I usually catch up on recordings on Saturday evening. Ant & Dec (Dec and Ant) are a bit puerile for our taste. I am not surprised they win awards every year, after all the electorate voted for leaving a trade organisation on our doorstep and apply to join one on the other side of the world as well as electing a lying cheating clown described as a "vacuum of integrity" to be our leader.
It must depend on your schooling because I was taught about it. (Do you remember my post on Holocaust Memorial Day the other year when someone was calling a player with long hair a slur and I said it wasn’t appropriate, especially on the day of remembrance?) I did do history up to and including uni (my teaching degree included points that were equivalent to half a degree in history, as that was my specialism, that I could have topped up to a second degree if I wanted) so maybe I learned it there, although I’m certain I remember it from high school.
I didn't exactly go to the best school in Barnsley and when I went to college I discovered that there were whole sections of certain subjects we just hadn't been taught that it appeared all other schools had. What I remember being taught about the Holocaust is that millions of Jewish people died and it was horrible but I don't remember learning about any of the other minorities. Basically everything we learned was from Schindler's list. Other than that I don't remember ever even seeing an image of a concentration camp until I looked myself on the internet. I do vaguely remember you criticising someone for the long hair gypsy chants now that you mention it but couldn't remember the details or anything
Do you not think we have enough politically minded threads on the BBS without trying to turn a debate about two light entertainers into political agenda ? I am not sure tv audiences can be compared to the electorate but it would just be nice if every thread did not have to be hijacked .
and for shoehorning a brexit , political response into a thread about Ant and Dec , the award goes to ……
Takeaway is a light hearted family show and had some good segments last night. That said Ant got off very lightly for his behaviour by ITV simply because he makes them a lot of cash. It's the same with Phillip Schofield where lots of dirt is there to see about him online which apparently has an injunction in place so the media can only hint at things.
you're probably right. I very rarely bother with Ant and Dec but we did look at it for 30 minutes yesterday. As I said (and I will qualify my statement which goes without saying normally) imho Saturday night TV is rubbish.
My kids love Saturday night takeaway. It’s daft, puerile even. But there’s a long tradition of silly shows filling the screens on Saturday nights, be that Noel’s house party with a gunge tank or mr blobby, stuff like the generation game, Beadle’s about, gladiators, stars in their eyes, to the X factor, strictly, now the masked singer. None of them are exactly taxing on the brain matter. Inoffensive viewing for everyone. Won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but enduringly popular. Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway is no worse than most of those. My kids love it, and I don’t mind it.
Thanks for the reply’s,my mum as nagged me to watch it and says how good it is,was just watching open mouthed as they danced about with big hoops on catching balls,while groups of adults screamed like banshees ,then the Clarkson thing came on which I found embarrassing,hence my quick BBS poll,on reflection it is just light hearted fun and if I had a couple of kids laughing along at it,maybe I would view it differently
The undercover with Clarkson I thought was a bit crap to be honest. They’ve done much better ones in the past. But yeah, with kids in the house I do probably look at it differently to you.
McIntyre... I swear he was put on this earth for sole purpose of pissing me off. But yeah, that entire bunch you mentioned are club acts at best.
Covid. Weather. Deaths. War. Fuel prices. Homeless. Job losses and redundancies. Our season. Etc etc And folk want to whinge about two Geordies who are very good at doing what they're paid for. FFS grow up.