...and either miraculously stay up or next season do well and get into the play offs amd/or get re-promoted I wonder what the attitude to the board will be. Fans are often fickle creatures and loyalty to one's club is very deep. I just wonder how much of the anti-board sentiment will dissipate with some on-field success. I've already decided what Im doing because I'm stubborn. I'm not going again while these owners are here. However, now I've made my bed I could potentially be missing out on Premier League footy in 3-4 years time. There are a lot of people currently saying 'not a penny more', 'Im not going while the owners are here' (like me) but I just wonder.....
I will still be of the opinion that they are greedy ******** ruining our club with not a single skill between them. Not a single customer oriented skill. Not a single media oriented skill. Not a single football skill and most certainly not a single financial skill.
I If that unlikely event was to happen, then that would mean they have either, changed their ‘ model’ altogether or ‘tweaked it’ and the results and performances would be supported by the vast majority. As long as they’re not accumulating big debts for the club, then I don’t see a problem.
Conway's L1 modus operandi: 1) Convince enough gullible sods to part with ST money. 2) Sign a couple of young hungry lower league players. 3) Compete enough to make people believe we are progressing. 4) Go up. Conway's subsequent plan for the Championship: See points 1) and 2) above. Rinse. Repeat.
I think there will be a lot of people that will go back if we start doing well again. I believe the BBS and social media on general is a small percentage of supporters. Nothing against people going or staying away, you pay (or don’t) your money and take your choice.
You're right the BBS is a small percentage but the amount of people I see in person who have stopped going to matches and have said their goodbyes is ridiculous and they are people who don't use the BBS.
The way things are at the moment the only footy you'll be missing in 3 to 4 years is National League North.
I simply won't go, that's it. I can't speak for anyone else, just for me. There's no issue as far as I'm concerned if others do differently.
I respect your position. I probably will go though despite the owners. Main reason is I’ve been going with Dad for over 50 years we probably don’t have many left and I don’t want Conway et al spoiling that I won’t be spending a penny in the ground or club shop unless they go or change significantly though
I admire the optimism of the OP, but it is safe to say we will not be anywhere near the Premier league in 3-4 years, it will take us that long to get out of League 1, or potentially League 2 if we persist with Poya.
Ever since I joined the BBS 18 years ago, Dave, you have always had my full respect. I fully understand and appreciate your approach. This is not a case of me making a grandiose statement with regards to stopping my support. I'd much rather carry on with my backing of the club I've loved for well over fifty years. However, I feel the numerous decisions on and off the field by the board has helped make my mind up for me.
I have misgivings about NAPM, although I fully understand where people are coming from with it. It's like trying to cut your own cancer out with a Stanley knife, the club could be caused irreparable damage with that course of action. Some people seem to think it worked at Blackpool...but it didn't. We have ***** owners who are making a mess of things...but the fans are going to make things 10 times worse if we aren't careful.
Fair enough. But the club managed perfectly well without my support, for the first 81 years of it's existence and will continue long after I've stopped going. My conscience is clear and I believe I've made the right decision for myself. I'm not criticising anyone for approaching this situation differently to me.
We fans have only one real tool at our disposal to concentrate the minds of the people in control of OUR club and that is the withdrawal of some or all of the money we inject into the club. What else would you suggest we do to get the message through? We've already been told by the CEO that they ignore letters and emails from fans.
I share your opinion regarding not going until this lot move on. I don’t share your anxiety as to what we might miss out on…
I think we are probably a representative sample though, based upon my discussion with fellow supporters who do not populate the BBS.