If they were a convicted car thief, I wouldn't hire them to steal cars, because they've clearly been caught in the past.
Yes, in general. Can't pretend that I wouldn't do a more in depth interview than normal to ensure that I was comfortable though, and there are certain crimes which would probably be a red line for me.
Anyone with Shaddappa Your Face, There's No-one Quite Like Grandma, Tiptoe Through The Tulips, Cinderalla Rockafella deserves locking up. They're pretty bloody awful. I wouldn't hire them.
A demonstrably rehabilitated person who had a drug problem they needed to feed 25 years ago? Not a problem. A convicted sex or repeat violent offender? Definitely not.
I did have someone apply who admitted to being on the sex offenders register, said she looked old enough, legally it probably shouldn't have prejudiced his application on my part. However it did.
I had a presentation from Tempus Novo the other week, I had huge reservations on the subject. However, great presentation made a lot of sense when businesses have a staffing issues - plus second chances are fair enough. http://www.tempusnovo.org/ simply put, they don’t help or place ex offenders who are ex terriorists, sex offenders or arsonists. So no matter how hard a working a paedophile is, they don’t get an opportunity (that was their joke, not mine)
It seems unfair that someone convicted once of a crime, who has served their debt to society, should be deemed less employable than someone who has got away with any number of crimes, but has never been caught/found guilty. But obviously that is the case. Dependent on the role, I might take on a one time offender. I believe I have employed someone who has previously been banned for drink driving, but I think serial offenders would be difficult to trust.
Yes, in general. But specifically not any of the notorious gang of Johnsons, including Naomi, Adam and Boris.