So Friday morning I wake up to this. We're used to the garden resembling the Somme and I have almost been driven to Jasper Carrott like lengths in pursuit of the moles, but this is summat else. I set up some cameras, fully expecting it to be a rabbit with a pick axe and designs of grandeur.......
Wow. That’s great! No idea what your personal feelings are but you can build a relationship with badgers over time. I’d be glued to that camera every morning
I will be, we regularly have foxes in the garden and once had a badger pass thru, but now it appears to have made a home!
I was told by my old grandfather - a countryman - that if you are going to be anywhere near a badger you should carry a bit of dry wood with you because if a badger grabs your limb it wont let go until the bone in that limb has snapped. So in the unfortunate event of being bitten you should snap the dry wood in your pocket and badger will let go because it thinks it's snapped your bone. (amazing what you learn on this site!!)
Keep the updates coming. I’m sure you’d rather you didn’t have a sett full, but imagine if he comes back from the pub one night with a lady? Or if she comes back with a gentleman.
Apparently now is birthing season, so could well be a pregnant Mrs Badger down there which is why he is toing and froing so much. He made an appearance at 7.30 tonight, about 20 mins after I got in, that seems early. March and April the cubs are active. We shall see.......
Brilliant stuff, you are so lucky to have your garden chosen by them to live in. Only one thing, where's their toilet?
The vast majority of their diet is worm based, so that’s why it’s shuffling around. Wonderful to see though, though that’s the end of your bit of grass, but I’d say it’s worth it personally. we've had the one badger appearing like clockwork at between 3.00am and 3.05am every alternate day. Couple of times it's been out around 10pm too. I don't think the cameras are super sensitive as sometimes I only get it returning as we seem to have missed him leaving the sett. I say "it" as we had assumed "he" but obvs don't actually know. Anyway.....last night, 3.05am, big excitement,.......seen two together for the first maybe more to come..........