I used to buy the odd can of Russian craft beer via Beerdome but they stopped shipping to UK after Brexit . I can’t think of anything else I would buy that was Russian other than petrol from a BP station but I don’t tend to use them .I’ve not seen any Saudi Arabian craft beer on sale !!
I posted this in another thread but if anyone has a spare room at home and are willing to host a refugee for a couple of days to a few months then check out this charity. https://www.refugeesathome.org/how-it-works/
That Russian tanker due into Orkney on Tuesday; surely the pilots can refuse to bring it into port, or the dock workers refuse to tie it up, or a mysterious problem could occur with the pumping equipment?
Bo are cutting all links with Rosneft will take a hit on their shares and have come off their Board so I think you can still buy their petrol should you wish to
They obviously didn’t have a cabinet member with insider knowledge otherwise they would have sold them last month like good old Rees-Mogg did with his Russian bank shares
Do you have any links or more info on this. I've got a load of old clothes that I was going to take to the dump yesterday but it was full. Might as well see if they can help...
Charities are generally asking for new things. Old things have to be checked and washed before they can be shipped which takes up more time and resource. Their priority is obviously getting ready to use things out there.
Fair point. They are all clean and washed, although mostly far from fashionable and some are a little past the best... I'll take them to a clothes bank later this week.
Sorry mate it was on the "Nextdoor" website so it was local to me in South Derbyshire. Look on there for where you are or maybe facecrap...
I'm pleased to see that many major national teams have said that they won't play Russia. Hopefully this will shame FIFA into doing the right thing.
We should have gone one further and said we will not participate in any competition that Russia are involved in.
Can understand punishing corrupt Russian elites, but yeh let's go one step further and make all Russian businesses suffer. That's a really decent thing to do Don't get people sometimes.
The only way I can see this ending well is if Putin is removed from within. I'm sorry but the best way that happens in my opinion is if the ordinary Russian man on the street sees the realities of what Putin is doing. Everything carrying on as normal in Russia will suit Putin just fine.
Maybe they need more encouragement to DO something about those realities. Otherwise it's the innocent businesses and civilians of other countries like Ukraine that have to pay the price. If we ever want a world without war it's down to the population of every country to keep their own governments in order.
Why stop at Russian goods. Goods from China n'all. Or are human rights abuses ok. How many of us unwittingly buy from there.