Is a great listen. Maybe people who think Sir Keir is a Tory in a Red Tie should listen to it. You can find it on all the usual places that you get your podcasts. Keir Starmer Full Disclosure with James O'Brien - Apple ... › podcast › full-disclosure-w...
I met him once about 6 years ago. Seemed like a nice chap. In other news, we were all wondering if there had been any progress in persuading Mrs Nutkins to engage in any of the more unconventional heterosexual lovemaking activities ?
I'm hoping she's 'Not too Tired' tonight so I will report back. I was going to attempt a sploshing session.
the very breast of luck to you. A Monday climb on would be quite the treat. Might even try and convince mine that a shot of Serotonin and Oxytocin will set her up nicely for the rest of the week
I don't really know what a podcast is and have absolutely no idea where I would find one. I realise I'm not adding much to the debate but when you said it'll be in the usual places it got me wondering where that might be. Can you get them them at Tesco?
Really enjoyed James O'Brien's interview with Keir Starmer, Starmer off a working-class background, and according to this interview really wants to make life better. Well worth a listen.
Just p*ssing myself laughing at him saying Theresa May didn't lie at the dispatch box. Strong and stable anyone..?
Is that place on Donny Road still open? Next to the Pork Butchers and the motorbike place. A quarter of bronze maggots, this float that looks absolutely beautiful but I've no idea if it's suitable for what I'm about to do, but it looks like the hips and tummies and thighs of every woman I've ever fallen in love with, some BB lead weights, and a podcast please.
Meh. An empty suit full of meaningless platitudes. Seems more intent on attacking anyone to the left of Farage than tackling any substantive issues.
Chasing the racist gammon vote. Well he definitely won’t have mine. I mean what could possibly be wrong with copying Blair on foreign policy. Seems that Keir is colour blind to victims. Ukrainians count the dead brown people in Iraq not so much.
Keep knocking Labour Jimmy and you will get another 12 years of Johnson, Raab, Truss, Patel, Baker, and that fine old gentleman of the 18th century Mogg, I hope my wishes come true and Labour wins the next election for your sake and the rest of Britain.
Jimmy is this the Sabastian Payne that was the online editor for Tory proper gander paper The Spectator and now works for the Financial Times who specializes in the Conservative party and Brexit?.
I see today that Labour refused to back unlimited Refugees from the Ukraine. Probably didn’t play well with the gammon focus groups. Blue team managing capitalism or red team makes little difference what will make a difference is enough votes going to smaller parties so that PR is agreed to secure a working majority and that every vote starts to count.
His source is pretty good. Most people know who it is. Whoever he works for he is one of the preferred journos for New New Labour.
Shock, horror, she wants the whip reinstating to "principled Socialist" Jeremy Corbyn. Looks like a net win for the Labour Party that she's choosing to go. Hopefully the SCG MP's eventually choose to go down the same route, but they value their MP's salaries too much for this, as just demonstrated by how quickly they withdrew their signatures from Stop The War's letter when they were threatened with the whip being withdrawn if they remained.