All the Children of the World send a message to Mr Putin, Via e-mail, internet or post. Would it make a difference? What about the Russian's themselves??
It would be nice owd pal but Putin for me is out of the same mold as Thatcher they don't care about people.
I've often thought what would people have thought of Thatcher without the miners strike. Did she privatise everything before or after that? Shutting the pits down opened the flood gates for everything else.
Dictators don’t generally even care about their ‘own’ people - they care about doing whatever it takes to have power.
Steve, she privatized most things before the miner's strike. I can remember working down the Pit before the strike and the colliers were talking about the big sell-offs and who would be making money.
Cheers. I knew you'd be able to tell me mate. It's not sumat I talk about much since you boll ocked me on tykes Mad many moons ago. I've respected you ever since
We're talking about a 69 year old bloke with more money than we can imagine. Any sane person in that position would be "sitting on a beach earning twenty percent" (to quote Hans Gruber). Instead he's orchestrating a war. That tells me everything I need to know about the bloke. So no... no amount of emails is going to make him change tack.
Nice idea although I don’t think he will give a flying **** mate
Are you talking about this Putin? The one who sits as far away from even his closest confidantes and then openly destroys them in public?