Only found this by accident. Nice little bonus I wasn't expecting
Bit confused about how this is going to work. I'm probably being an idiot. Is it a one off payment of 150? Or is it going to be split? Are they going to charge me as normal and then just give me 150 back? Bit confused by it all haha.
I think different councils are doing it differently but to me it looks like BMBC are just paying it out in one go?
The government will give the money to BMBC. It isn't intended to offset council tax and reduce monthly payments. As the council know your property band they are best placed to administer giving out the money. If you pay by Direct debit they have your bank details and will deposit 150 notes into your account in April. Simple as that. Whether you use it to put towards your fuel bills or go on a bender is your call. Edit. Bit of confusion as it's labelled council tax rebate. It isn't. It's a grant given to everyone who runs a house and that house is in band a-d It's the grant announced by the chancellor to help folk with rising fuel bills
I think the council will knock 150 quid off your council tax then it's up to you adjust your other bills accordingly
Not the case I believe, certainly for the Barnsley area I'm sure I read if you pay by direct debit they will put the money into your account.
No It has 2 parts. Everyone who pays the bill for council tax, and in band a-d are getting 150 quid grant. Not repayable as that's what a grant is (I know you know what a grant is, but I'm just making it clear this 150 quid element is a grant). The 2nd part, yes, it's giving money to the energy providers and we will pay that back over the next few years
No mate I think that’s going to be a further cash loan offered (forced) in October just ready for winter
Appreciate both replies. No offence taken explaining to me what a grant is. I’m beyond clueless (and useless) on all personal admin like this See points number 4 and 7