Just in case anyone was wondering, as a lot of you have been asking me about the current situation in Russia. Just to be clear, there was never any feeling of danger in St Petersburg whatsoever, but there is a profound sense of despair among my friends there, especially the Russian ones who are facing tremendous difficulties - failing businesses, currency collapse, and if rumours are to be believed, possible conscription. Please nobody forget that it's not just the Ukrainians who are suffering at the hands of the madman. It's ordinary Russians as well, most of whom didn't vote for him. Putin has destroyed not only Ukraine, but also Russia.
Two Russians work for me. I have kept a dialogue throughout this issue to ensure they have support. One in Helsinki and the other is in Germany. Both are devastated with what's happening and both have family in Russia and Ukraine. They are heartbroken. They also feel embarrassed by what's happening. It's all so sad.
Welcome. Hopefully Putler stays away from here and the damn war doesn't spread any further. When I did my military service twenty years ago, it never crossed my mind that there's a chance that I may actually need those skills one day.
Such a shame it's come to this MT. Best wishes to you and your family and let's hope things start to change for the better very soon.
Don't believe for a minute that I don't understand what you've written about ordinary Russian people, because I do. Actually, I probably don't. But I'm glad to hear you're now in Finland. Are you coming home? I read about Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko and Oleksandr Usyk putting on fatigues and going to war. The admiration I have for these men, the skill they have, but moreover, the way they've conducted themselves, genuine heroes. But they're probably going to die. And then you're out there too - **** head - brother of Mr Spicer and hat mask dog turnstile man, and I don't know you, but I do know you, and then it's all so personal. Stay safe, I hope you're all OK.
I was thinking about you last night and hoping you were ok, it worried me that you’d been quiet the last few days. Really sorry to hear that you have had to evacuate and I hope you have friends or family to stay with? Take care of yourself and your family. **** Putin.
Wasn't there mutterings that Putin was going to invade Finland and Sweden? What do the locals think of it over there?
Peruse the following articles and tell me whether you would bring your Russian wife and child over to this country right now. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/russia-citizens-visa-uk-roger-gale-b2024940.html https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-60556262 www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/ukraine-russian-england-people-chernobyl-b984789.html%3famp
"the pro-lockdown brain donors, and God knows there are millions of them" I try valiantly to never get personal on here, but this is beyond even my self restraint. You just can't help yourself can you? To be a brain donor you have to have one to begin with, which clearly rules you out. Just go and look after your own little self, and continue to despise the millions who made sacrifices during the worst and most murderous pandemic in living memory, and who did so for the greater good. You truly need to give your warped agenda and rhetoric a rest
I've deleted my post. You're right about one thing - not the time or the place in this chain. Apologies.
TBH I feel really sorry for the 'ordinary' ( not old school ) Russians, including some of the poor sods being made to fight who would rather be anywhere else! Lives ruined by one ********!
Thanks to all of you for your concern and kind words. We're staying with friends in Finland for a few days before flying to the UK on Monday. Luckily, we have somewhere to stay indefinitely in England if needs be, so we're in a much better position than 99% of our Russian friends. We're planning on staying for a few weeks to see how things unfold in Russia, and for me to try and figure out if my business is still viable. After that we're not sure, as due to the disgraceful Tory immigration rules, my wife would have to go back to Russia to apply for a settlement visa, which may prove to be undesirable (although the shitty Home Office will of course claim that it's viable). Luckily she has a long-term tourist visa so we don't have immediate issues, although this does have its limitations, in particular that she can't work. We are looking at Tblisi as a possibility at least to spend some of our time as it's full of creative and opposition leaning Russians and the cost of living is such that we'd be fine there even with the ruble depreciation having eroded nearly half of my income. We are also looking at getting her sister and her husband out as a matter of urgency, as he's terrified of being conscripted. With regards to discrimination in the UK, it's something my wife is very worried about - not so much for herself, as she can have a ding dong with the best of them, but for our daughter if we decide to put her in school in England. It shouldn't be an immediate issue as her name is completely British and she speaks English without a trace of a Russian accent, but it's obvious that questions will come up about where she originates from. Anyway, we'll all be at the Fulham game on the 12th, so we'll be looking forward to starting a chant of "Putin is a w@nker" with whoever is up for it.
your daughter is so brainy and wonderful that if anyone tried to belittle her they would no doubt end up looking like extremely stupid fool that they are.
Merde Tete is a truly lovely bloke, who very kindly helped our daughter Laura with some work she had to do a few years ago. My family & I send all our love & respect to you and yours, hoping that you stay safe.
God bless you and your family. This is what I've been trying to drive home on here how sanctions are affecting innocent people because they are for everyone not just the horrible ******** that we need to get shut of.