If I thought I could get away with it and not die in the attempt, (leaving a wife and four kids) I'd do it myself.
He hasn't put his head out of his bunker since this lot started has he? I'd definitely be for it btw, hopefully the people could then start to get their country back in the confusion
I'd take a bullet doing it because if somebody doesn't the world will be on fire before the end of the decade if not sooner. His forces spent the night Shelling a nuclear power station in the country that contains and is still contaminated by radiation from Chernobyl. He wouldn't think twice about pushing the button if cornered and won't stop at Ukraine in his attempt to rebuild the USSR so he will eventually be cornered when he tries to invade the Baltic States who are part of NATO.
Nor would he think twice about leaving instructions for someone else to press the button should he be taken out. I would expect it to be immediate. Tread carefully around this. Taking him out means getting up close and personal with his trusted advisors at the same time. Not easy
Very little chance of anybody succeeding. The Americans tried to assassinate Castro for decades and he was in a small, poor country on their doorstep. Putin is absolutely paranoid. Probably for good reason. I watched an interview with Fiona Hill who was talking about sitting next to him at a State dinner one time. He never drank or ate a thing. He appears to take meetings separated by about thirty yards of table from everyone else. I wouldn't mind being proved wrong though.
You would imagine that given the gravity of the situation it will have been talked about by the powers that be' i would imagine that the west have plenty of agents on the ground in Russia along with anti putin sympathisers' i honestly can't imagine him being allowed to push the button unhindered' lets hope someone acts sooner rather than later' i'm sure most Russians would be as relieved as us..
The only way it would happen realistically is to support an internal overthrow, that's how these things always work for state actors. Someone he trusts has to betray him for it to work, you're not going to get an outsider close enough.
You would have to be 100% certain to take him out if not I am sure he would press the BUTTON as others have said he will not be putting his head above the parapet
He'd just have to time his run down the tunnel to the exact time everyone else was looking the other way and so couldn't give a reliable testimony.
This sounds like the most obvious and easy way to solve the problem, however the flaw in it is apparently all the senior people in Russia are from a similar old school mindset, so killing him could just as easily push them to press the button.
I feel the only real way of this stopping is for the mass Russian public to revolt against him, getting the military on side and seeing out regime change. Any NATO military action would surely start WW3. We also need China and India to 100% publicly denounce Putins actions.
he absolutely 100% needs taking out. said it from day 1. cut the head off the snake. the parallels with 1939 are frighteningly similar. I've been following events pretty closely, and I'm genuinely scared.