Totally personal. I’m not speaking from an admin side though - there’s so many threads I don’t read because I’m not interested so it’s better if all the chat on that subject goes in one thread. Otherwise you flood the board and less people feel inclined to start threads because none get much traction as there’s too many. Already in this thread you’ve got repeats of what’s already said elsewhere. Feels pointless to me but that’s me speaking my opinion rather than criticising.
That is definitely the downside to the big threads and what i do miss about the threaded BBS. On the other side the matchday threads are a lot better than the board getting filled up.
I’ve only acknowledge one other post. Force of habit when typing like I would say ‘the US’ or ‘the Baltics’ amongst others. Will have to check myself in future but doubt it will be the last time.
I don’t have to click a thread that doesn’t have any replies as hovering over it shows the content. I just find it more satisfying to read threads quickly and move on to the next one rather than slog through a huge one. I guess it’s why different social media platforms have video time limits/character limits as it encourages people to stick around. For example, I’d rather scroll down and read 20 tweets on one topic than one essay.
All threads would get a reply though, which is my point. Take 60 posts in one thread, or ten posts in six threads, and you’re still reading the same amount. If it’s a topic that interests you then you’ll click them all - but could just read them all and open up the home page to more varied threads and topics. Imagine if the Covid threads hadn’t been hosted in one main one. I thought that helped keep subjects on here quite varied and not just about lockdown and vaccines.
The Netherlands and the Czech Republic are two others. But I’d never say the Spain or the Italy, but would say the United Kingdom. First conversation I’ve had about it so that’s why you’ve not read anything on ‘the other side’.
I know I’m still reading the same amount, but I prefer to read them separately, it feels more satisfying to me. Just my preference.
Definitely. I'm glad I'm not the one making these decisions and it's easy for me to say I think we should call his bluff when I'm not the one doing it.
My take. As ****** up as it seems. Needs someone as close to him he trusts who the people would listen to to shoot the ******* at the end of his table and be the biggest hero Russia has ever had.
Ukraine has always been referred to as 'the Ukraine', especially previously in the media. Not sure why but it's not like Loko is in a minority with using it.
Common problem. It’s like people who keep using the word ‘Boris’ when it should be ‘narcissistic, psychopathic, lying, repulsive b a s t a r d.’
Only the USA could stop him in the Ukraine and that would require a full conventional Mobilzation of the entire US ground force- imagine trying to fly in 3/4 million men into Europe? And then you are really risking WW3. It’s just not going to happen. There isn’t the political will in the US to start WW3 - most Americans couldn’t tell you where Ukraine is or why it’s being invaded. The best we can hope for is that there is some guarantee of future neutrality of Ukraine like in Austria, and we allow him to annex the eastern Russian speaking parts.
There are only two countries with 'The' as a prefix - The Gambia and The Bahamas. I only know this from working on the AFCON, where we'd mistakenly used just 'Gambia' on a few graphics.
The borderlands. Referred to as that because to Russians it was literally the border lands of their country. Much the same was as why Netherlands is referred to as the Netherlands because it's the nether lands. An artefact of when it was part of the Soviet Union. It's been wrong for years, but recent events have turned it into a bit of a political hot potato.
Yes I think pretty much everyone did. I guess it was the borderlands for Europe too in the opposite direction. It was dropped in the early 90s but many continued to use it and some evidently still do. I guess it's similar to how we are only really learning now that Kyiv isn't called Kiev despite the fact it hasn't been for a long time.