Some proper older tools among our fan base. No wonder some of the young uns are disrespectful, with parents shouting childish comments. kids looking at em as if they are heroes. Vile abuse etc etc. Grow up morons. The absence of police and complete disrespect for stewards is contributing to more and more unacceptable behaviour. I don’t criticise all young uns as they tend to follow their peers, So try not to tar all with the same brush. I reckon most of us have been at that stage in our teens. Not surrounded by morons most can be pleasant. We carry young passengers that have travelled all over. And are a credit to their parents. Afore the game 1x14yrs 1x15yrs locked up in police van. Either pi55ed out of their brains or on drugs. How on earth they attempted to reach the ground or thought they’d get in is beyond me when I saw the state of one, sat in the side section. His mate bashing the inside of the caged section. The introduction of safe standing will be a godsend for those of us who prefer to sit. Lots who are unable to stand for long periods especially.
Not wanting to be a Tommy opposite where I was sat yesterday was comparatively comfortable shame team wasn’t