Marzipan is the finest foodstuff known to man. Or woman. There is no point putting it on a cake. The cake just gets in the way. Last Christmas I asked all members of my family to get me marzipan in whatever shape or form it is available. And they did. I had a very Happy Christmas.
You are a very wise man. I don't know why folk haven't organised marzipan tasting evenings. You know like wine tasting but more important.
Marzipan on cake or marzipan eaten straight from the block is delicious in every form. The only thing I miss with all of my travelling is Battenburg cakes..... always the first thing into any care package from home.
Yes. Blocks of marzipan. Mrs Statis is horrified by what I can do to a block of marzipan. Like I say to her, if it's a choice between you and a block of marzipan, there's only one winner.
Not really a fan I will eat it but wouldn’t miss it if it wasn’t there. Not a great fan of almond which doesn’t help. Quite like the icing though.